General Sales Information

IAIK Product Bundles

We have introduced a bundle system which should make it easier for you to choose the right products for your needs. These bundles have been created according to the different needs we experience when talking to our customers.
Nevertheless, you still have the flexibility to add any additional product to your chosen bundle in case you need one or more specific items.

Developer Licenses

Our IAIK product bundles and all add ons are available as a single developer or an unlimited developer license. You need developer licenses in relation to the number of developers working with your application. 1 developer = 1 single developer license, 2 developers = 1 single developer license + 1 additional license etc. An unlimited developer license allows you to support as many developers as you wish.

Server and Runtime licenses

In short, you need these licenses if you plan to redistribute the application where IAIK products have been used. If the application is run on a server you will need server license(s). If it is run as a service (“SaaS”) or on PC(-s) you will need runtime license(s). There again is the option of buying unlimited server and/or runtime licenses, so you don‘t need to calculate the number of servers / PC(-s).

Evaluation Licences

Our evaluation licences can be downloaded via your customer account and used free of charge for 30 days for inspection and testing purposes. The test version may not be used for actual applications or commercial usage and must not be redistributed via any medium. Once the testing period is concluded this licence automatically expires. If you do not convert your licence into a commercial licence, we will delete your account. No worries, you will receive an automated reminder from us in due time.

See prices

IAIK-JCE is required in any purchase (except for the Ascon Lightweight Crypto Library).

Except for Ascon Lightweight Crypto Library (which can be used stand-alone), the minimum order amount is an IAIK JCE basic license. OR you can order any of our bundle licenses which always include an IAIK JCE basic license. All our IAIK products are built as ‚add-ons‘ to the JCE library, and all of them require JCE for their functionality. Accordingly, our licensing system always includes – according to the bundle you want to purchase – at least one IAIK JCE basic license.


  • On the purchase of license renewal (maintenance) – from the second license year onwards – you will receive a 25% discount if we receive your order at the latest two months after the end of the download period for new versions!
  • When you are purchasing more than one bundle, we will grant a discount from the second bundle onwards (reduction for the first single developer license: € 500, for each additional single developer license: € 100, for unlimited developer licenses: € 8000).

For Free!

  • The first single developer license for any product bundle or JCE toolkit includes ten runtime licenses, one server license, and 20 support points valid for the silver support programme! Additional single developer licenses include five runtime licenses and five support points each!
  • When you purchase unlimited developer licenses, unlimited runtime and server licenses are included, and also 100 support points valid for the silver support programme. Furthermore, you get a copy of the source code for inspection purposes only (but no rights are transferred in this way).

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Individual Export Licenses

For non-EU licensees we have to organise an individual export license (this does not apply to Australia, Canada, Japan, New Zealand, Norway, Switzerland (including Liechtenstein), United States of America). This procedure will last about four weeks, and we will need some documents from you. After your order, we will contact you regarding the details. Then you will be asked to wait for the license. Only then we can bill you or charge your credit card!

Your customer details will be handled with care and will not be passed on to other parties except to the corresponding Austrian governmental office!


Order process

Since we need to check, whether we need to apply for an export license, our web-shop does not provide an automated process including payment and downloads. This is why our shop only has “add to basket”-buttons only for evaluation versions and uses “request quote” for commercial licenses. When you submit your “order”, we will manually check it for consistency and whether we need to apply for an export license. Only then we can proceed with the process including payment and delivery.

In case you have any questions regarding our sales process, please do ask!


Single developer license first license € 700 € 200
Unlimited developer license € 11.000
ProductPrice first licenseadditional licences

Common Criteria EAL 3+ and EAL 3 evaluated IAIK-JCE CC Core
Note: This product will always be delivered on CD!

IAIK-JCE CC Core 3.15 and 3.1 (incl. JCE unlimited developer license) € 18.000
Single developer license first license € 425 € 180
Unlimited developer license € 2.800
ProductPrice first licenseadditional licences

SSL/TLS library for cryptographically protecting electronic data transfer and developing secure client/server applications

Single developer license: Includes IAIK JCE SE Basic License first license € 1050, additional: € 400
Unlimited developer license: Includes IAIK JCE SE Basic License € 13.500

XML signatures and XML encryption according to the XMLDSIG and XML Encryption W3C recommendations.

Single developer license: Includes IAIK JCE SE Basic License first license € 1050, additional: € 400
Unlimited developer license: Includes IAIK JCE SE Basic License € 13.500

XML Advanced Electronic Signatures (XAdES) according to the ETSI TS 101 903 V1.4.2 (2010-12) Technical Specification.

Single developer license: Includes IAIK JCE SE Basic License, IAIK XSECT, IAIK XAdES first license € 1600, additional: € 500
Unlimited developer license: Includes IAIK JCE SE Basic License, IAIK XSECT, IAIK XAdES € 15.800

Protects any kind of digital data cryptographically and secures electronic mail.

Single developer license: Includes IAIK JCE SE Basic License, IAIK CMS first license € 1050, additional: € 400
Unlimited developer license: Includes IAIK JCE SE Basic License, IAIK CMS € 13.500

API for developing Time Stamp client/server applications according to the PKIX Time Stamp Protocol.

Single developer license: Includes IAIK JCE SE Basic License, IAIK TSP, IAIK CMS first license € 1200, additional: € 400
Unlimited developer license: Includes IAIK JCE SE Basic License, IAIK TSP, IAIK CMS € 13.500

Creates and verifies signatures according to ETSI TS 102 778 (PAdES) and ETSI TS 101 733 (CAdES).

Single developer license: Includes IAIK JCE SE Basic License, IAIK CMS, IAIK TSP, IAIK [CP]AdES first license € 1600, additional: € 500
Unlimited developer license: Includes IAIK JCE SE Basic License, IAIK CMS, IAIK TSP, IAIK [CP]AdES € 15.800

Toolkit for creating/verifying (advanced) JSon Web Signatures.

Single developer license: Includes IAIK JCE SE Basic License, IAIK CMS, IAIK TSP, IAIK JAdES first license € 1600, additional: € 500
Unlimited developer license: Includes IAIK JCE SE Basic License, IAIK CMS, IAIK TSP, IAIK JAdES € 15.800

The simple-to-use version of our document security bundles. Provides a high-level access to our CMS/SMIME and XML Security libraries to offer a simple API for key management, digital signatures and encryption, supporting CMS, S/MIME and XML.

Single developer license: Includes IAIK JCE SE Basic License, IAIK CMS, IAIK XSECT, IAIK High Level API first license € 1600, additional: € 500
Unlimited developer license: Includes IAIK JCE SE Basic License, IAIK CMS, IAIK XSECT, IAIK High Level API € 15.800

Comprehensive bundle for (advanced) signatures in CMS, XML, PDF or JSon-format. Includes PKCS#11 library for supporting cryptographic credentials on smart cards or other hardware modules.

Single developer license: Includes IAIK JCE SE Basic License, IAIK CMS, IAIK XSECT, IAIK TSP, IAIK XAdES, IAIK [CP]AdES, IAIK PKCS#11 Provider first license € 2500, additional: € 900
Unlimited developer license: Includes IAIK JCE SE Basic License, IAIK CMS, IAIK XSECT, IAIK TSP, IAIK XAdES, IAIK [CP]AdES, IAIK PKCS#11 Provider € 24.700

Includes all available IAIK libraries.

Single developer license: Includes IAIK JCE SE Basic License, IAIK iSaSiLk, IAIK CMS, IAIK XSECT, IAIK TSP, IAIK XADES, IAIK [CP]AdES, IAIK ECCelerate, IAIK High Level API, IAIK PKCS#11 Provider first license € 3500, additional: € 1300
Unlimited developer license: Includes IAIK JCE SE Basic License, IAIK iSaSiLk, IAIK CMS, IAIK XSECT, IAIK TSP, IAIK XADES, IAIK [CP]AdES, IAIK ECCelerate, IAIK High Level API, IAIK PKCS#11 Provider € 29.500

IAIK PKCS#11-Provider Add-On Standard Edition

Single developer license first license: € 425, additional: € 180
Unlimited developer license each license: € 2.800

New high performance IAIK Eliptic Curve Cryptography Add On Standard Edition

Single developer license first license: € 425, additional: € 180
Unlimited developer license each license: € 2.800

JCA/JCE Provider offering Post-Quantum signature algorithms and Public-key Encryption and Key-Establishment algorithms.

Single developer license first license: € 425, additional: € 180
Unlimited developer license each license: € 2.800

They can be purchased for any application using any IAIK Crypto Toolkit for the Java™ platform but can only be purchased by holders of single developer toolkit licenses.

100 Runtime licences € 150
1000 Runtime licenses € 750
5000 Runtime licenses € 2.500
Unlimited runtime licenses € 6.250
1 Server license € 150
10 Server licenses € 750
50 Server licenses € 2.500
Unlimited server licenses € 6.250
Unlimited runtime and server licenses € 9.500
100 Support Points - Silver Programme € 700
100 Support Points - Gold Programme € 700
Annual Flat Fee - Silver Support Programme € 7.000
Annual Flat Fee - Gold Support Programme € 14.000

Adds the right to modify the source code.
You need to order any unlimited developer toolkit license together with the IAIK Source Code Add-On.

Source Code Add-On € 17.500

We previously offered micro editions (ME), which however were deprecated with August 2012. By now, mobile devices can generally handle the functionally more advanced standard editions (SE), as they have achieved higher memory- and processor capacities.
Within the category “Mobile Security” we now offer the Android™-compatible JCE Basic Licence SE and the ECCelerate™ Add-On SE.

  •  Cryptographic Security and Timeliness: Stiftung SIC/IAIK is closely related to the University of Technology of Graz, Austria (IAIK is a university institute – “Institute for Applied Information Processing and Communications”), doing extensive research in the field of cryptography and security. We have established contacts to well-known cryptologists, such as AES author Vincent Rijmen, who was a member of our staff – see ! This ensures that we are up-to-date at all times (for instance implementing and releasing countermeasures against cryptographic attacks when they become known – like, e.g. RSA blinding).
  •  Reliability and Stability: IAIK-JCE has been one of the first Java Crypto Toolkits. IAIK-JCE has been on the market for more than ten years now. In this decade of professional experience, it has constantly been tested and has experienced further development, done by the same software authors that had first started developing the products. Since then IAIK-JCE has been – and still is – used in numerous cryptographic applications, research, and educational projects all over the world.
  •  First-Level Support: Since support is provided by the software authors themselves, we can guarantee the best support available. We always care for very short response times – even in our newsgroup. Customers have the additional advantage to get patches (if required) outside of the regular release schedule. It also is possible to implement particular features or algorithms on special customer request – especially if they are also of public interest and can be included in the standard toolkit.
  •  Individual Services: We are ready to develop a project plan based on your requirements, in order to realise individual projects for your company.
  •  Documented Code: Our customers appreciate the fact that we offer well-documented codes for our products.
  •  Access to Source: As we are convinced of the quality of our products, we also offer you the possibility to inspect the source. We provide licenses that include the source for inspection purposes, and a special license add-on that even includes the right to change the source.
  •  Thorough Testing: Our products have been intensively tested over the years. One very important proof of their usability is the various E-government applications which they are used for in Austria.
  •  Common Criteria Evaluation: The ultimate sign of our products’ quality was gaining a Common Criteria evaluation (level EAL 3+). Please find details about IAIK-JCE CC Core 3.1 here.
  •  Transparency in Pricing: Another characteristic feature of our software house is the fact that we also stand for a transparent pricing policy. You can find all the prices on our Price List. Furthermore, we are pleased to offer you special license agreements for packages upon request.

For purely educational purposes and research projects, we offer a fee-waived variant for downloading IAIK Security software for the Java™ platform combined with an educational licence. If you intend using IAIK Security software for the Java™ Platform for commercial purposes, you must agree with our commercial licence conditions in order to be granted a Developers, Runtime, Active Component, or Full Licence. In case you would like to develop an open source application, please have a look at our open source licence. Please read the information provided carefully. Should you feel uncertain, please do not hesitate to ask!

Renewal Guidelines

  • The download period for commercial licenses is one year (start: date of delivery)! After this period your download account will be closed. In case you would like to download new versions after the download period, we kindly ask you to renew your licenses.
  • By license renewal, we understand a maintenance fee on developer and server/runtime licenses. License renewal is possible if your last order was made within the past 12 months (a grace period of 2 additional months will be accepted). If you ordered more than one year (plus two months) ago, your order would be regarded as a “new order”, and no renewal discount will be given.
  • Renewal discount: In case you renew your licenses, we can grant you a discount of 25%. Please note: A grace period of 2 months will be accepted. No exemption will be made in case you decide to renew your licenses later on (in this case you’ll pay the list price without deduction!).
  • In case you order a renewal of licenses AND some new products, the discount will only be applied to the products you are already holding a license for. Please use our standard order form for placing your renewal order – the discount will be added manually when we receive your order.
  • In case you would like to receive one of the older product versions you had been able to download when your account was still open, we kindly ask you to send us an email saying which versions you would like to receive!


Commercial Licences

Stiftung SIC Java Crypto-Software Development Kit Licence Agreement Valid from January 01, 2017 The Stiftung SIC (Stiftung Secure Information and Communication Technologies, Inffeldgasse 16a, A-8010 Graz, Austria / Europe, Austria hereafter referred to as “Stiftung SIC” offers to grant licences for the SOFTWARE defined below according to the following conditions:


For the purpose of this Licence Agreement, the following definitions are valid: a. The term “SOFTWARE” refers to IAIK Java Crypto Software in any form (source code, object code or other) including documentation. The SOFTWARE is the sole property of Stiftung SIC and protected by Austrian, International Copyright Law, e.g. the Revised Berne Convention, and the US Copyright Act. b. “IAIK Java Crypto Software” means either IAIK-JCE, iSaSiLk or any other Java-based Crypto-Software development kit which usually consists of source code (if applicable; for source licences only), Java byte code or any other form of object code. The Software and additional tools are distributed in documentation, manuals, user guides, sample application code, tools – including any revisions, patches and updates delivered or downloaded by the customer. c. “IAIK Java Crypto Software Runtime Modules” means the runtime object code modules provided with, or derived from, an IAIK-Java-Crypto Software Development Kit, which are usually distributed as a Java-Archive in JAR or ZIP-Format, or in any other format suitable for use by application programmes or other software. d. “IAIK-Crypto Software based Application” means any computer programme created by the LICENSEE using any of the IAIK-Toolkits, including applications offered using the “Software as a Service” model, but with the exception of other server software, which is considered as a different category. e. “Server software” means IAIK-Crypto Software based applications run on a server. Examples for server software are applets, midlets, servlets, CGI-scripts or software that is run on a server, with the exception of applications offered using the “Software as a Service” model. f. “To publish” means that an application is retrievable or accessible from a certain server, but not installed on another machine.


Free Trial Licence:  The SOFTWARE can be downloaded from the INTERNET and used free of charge for thirty days for inspection and testing purposes. The test version may not be used for actual applications or commercial usage and must not be redistributed via any medium. Once the testing period is concluded this licence automatically expires, whereupon all copies of the SOFTWARE at the LICENSEE´s premises must be destroyed. Upon payment received by Stiftung SIC in accordance with the price list (without deductions), the licensee is granted one of the licences specified below: Developer Licence:  Stiftung SIC grants the licensee a non-exclusive, non-transferable, non-sublicensable licence to use the number of copies of each of the IAIK toolkits identified below for the development of IAIK crypto software-based applications or server software only. Any attempt to use an IAIK-toolkit for any other purpose, including, but not limited to, the creation of a toolkit, or inclusion in a different toolkit, is not permitted. The number of developers licences acquired entitles the equivalent number of licensee employees to develop IAIK crypto software-based applications using the IAIK crypto software. For unlimited licences, all employees of the licensee are allowed to use the IAIK crypto software. These licences are not transferable to contractors or any other person, organisation or companies outside the licensee’s organisation, excluding the following scenario: A developer license can be transferred to a subcontractor in case of necessity during the course of a project, and if the results of the project are subsequently only owned by the licensee: In this case the customer is allowed to transfer the purchased developer license to a subcontractor exclusively for developing software for this project and only for the time span of the project. In this case it must be guaranteed that either the customer or the subcontractor – and not both – use the Software. To be even clearer, the subcontractor may not use the licenses for own developments outside the project nor may s/he own, sell or redistribute the results of the projects in any other way. The licensee may produce as many additional copies of the elements of the Stiftung SIC toolkit as s/he has purchased licences. S/He may also produce as many copies of the runtime modules as needed for the development of IAIK crypto software-based applications. The IAIK toolkit may also be stored on a network server, if the appropriate number of licences has been acquired. The licensee may also produce one additional copy of each IAIK toolkit for back-up or archival purposes. No other right to reproduce the SOFTWARE is granted. Runtime Licence: Stiftung SIC grants the LICENSEE a non-exclusive, non-sublicensable licence to run the respective number of IAIK-Crypto Software-based applications that have been developed by the LICENSEE under a developer Licence or, when the application is offered using the “Software as a Service” model, to allow the respective number of users to use the service. These licences are transferable to customers or other third parties, which means that if the customer or other third party acquires a certain number of licences for IAIK crypto software-based applications from the licensee, the respective number of runtime licences are transferred to the customer. If the licensee grants her/his customers an unlimited number of runtime licences, the licensee also needs an unlimited runtime licence from Stiftung SIC. Server Licence: Stiftung SIC grants the licensee a non-exclusive, non-sublicensable licence to run IAIK crypto based applications on a server or to publish IAIK crypto based applications on the respective number of servers (virtual servers do count!). An application that is published on more than one server needs as many licences as the number of servers on which it is published. These licences are transferable to customers or other third parties, so that if the customer or other third party acquires a certain number of licences for servers using IAIK crypto software from the licensee, the respective number of server licences are transferred to the customer. If the licensee grants her/his customer unlimited licences, the licensee also needs an unlimited server licence from Stiftung SIC. Source Code Licence: Full licences contain the source code of IAIK Java crypto software. This source code is only provided for inspection purposes and Stiftung SIC does NOT grant the licensee any licence to use that source-code beyond inspection. The only exception to this is when the customer purchases an additional unlimited source code developer toolkit license add-on. This add-on adds the right to modify the source code. You need to order any unlimited developer toolkit license together with the unlimited source code developer toolkit license. Stiftung SIC has no obligation to support code that has been changed and it also is the responsibility of the customer to care for integrating updates. The object code (class files, jar files, or equivalent) resulting from compiling the (modified) source code may be redistributed with the IAIK-Crypto Software based Application, but has to be obfuscated at a level comparable to the original IAIK Software. Redistribution of the (original or modified) source code is NOT permitted! In case of termination, the licensee must destroy all copies of the source code.


LICENSEES must not attempt to reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble, reverse translate or in any other manner decode the computer programmes in the IAIK toolkit in order to derive the source code from there, other than in cases where the LICENSEE has requested Stiftung SIC in writing to urgently supply interface information needed and has not received this information within four weeks. ATTENTION: THIS LICENSE AGREEMENT DOES NOT INCLUDE LICENSING OF THE INCLUDED ALGORITHMS, when appropriate. Please see the summary of the licence/patent status situation of algorithms used in IAIK-JCE. It is the sole responsibility of the licensees to ensure the legality of using the IAIK crypto software in their countries. Stiftung SIC declares that to the best of its knowledge all parts of the IAIK-Toolkits have been developed by Austrian citizens, except for the HTTP implementation (w3c_http.jar) delivered with the iSaSiLk distribution, and free third party libraries (like Apache Xalan or Xerces) that may be delivered with the toolkits for convenience. The implementation of the Camellia cipher algorithm core has been provided by NTT (Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation), the core of the optional native AES-NI part has been provided by Intel® Corporation (see Third Party Licenses for more information).

4. Terms of Licence:

Upon receipt of order and payment, Stiftung SIC will ship the SOFTWARE to the LICENSEE. The licence allows free downloads of new updates, starting at the time of shipment and for the total period of one year, unless terminated earlier, as specified later in this Agreement. The LICENSEE has the right to receive free updates or new versions of the SOFTWARE for one year and may use the versions received within that year and the related server or runtime licenses for an unlimited time. Upon payment the download period of purchased licenses, i.e. developer licenses and related runtime and server licenses, may be prolonged annually thereafter. Following termination of the download period, the LICENSEE may continue using the software provided, but will not get patches or new versions. If the LICENSEE has not purchased an unlimited number of runtime and server licences, the conditions stated in article 2 (concerning runtime licences) and article 13 (concerning Audit rights) remain valid beyond the terms of this agreement.

5. Prices and Payment:

The licensee shall pay Stiftung SIC for the licences acquired at the agreed price or as stated in our price list. All prices are understood to be ex-works Graz and duty unpaid. Invoices have to be paid net in advance within 30 days of date of invoice. Payments overdue shall be charged subsequently with past due interest of 1.25% per month, as of the first day of their falling overdue. Prices are subject to change without notice.

 6. Delivery:

For non-EU licensees – except of Australia, Canada, Iceland, Japan, Liechtenstein, New Zealand, Norway, Switzerland, United Kingdom, and United States of America (for those the general export authorisation No. EU001 is valid). Conditions and requirements for the use of this authorisation are: 1. This general export authorisation EU001 may not be used if the exporter has been informed by the competent authorities of the member state in which s/he is established that the items in question are or may be intended, in their entirety or in part, for use in connection with the development, production, handling, operation, maintenance, storage, detection, identification or dissemination of chemical, biological or nuclear weapons or other nuclear explosive devices or the development, production, maintenance or storage of missiles capable of delivering such weapons, or if the exporter is aware that the items in question are intended for such use. 2. This general authorisation may not be used if the exporter has been informed by the competent authorities of the member state in which s/he is established that the items in question are or may be intended for a military end-use as defined in article 4(2) of the regulation in a country subject to an EU, OSCE or UN arms embargo, or if the exporter is aware that the items in question are intended for such use. 3. This general authorisation may not be used when the relevant items are exported to a customs free zone or free warehouse which is located in a destination covered by this authorisation.) Stiftung SIC must acquire an individual export license. Licensees must provide Stiftung SIC with all information necessary to acquire such an individual export license and Stiftung SIC will do everything in its power for not delaying this process. Either the licensees can download the ordered software or Stiftung SIC will ship one copy of the ordered software to the licensee on CD-ROM within 30 days of receipt of an order based on this agreement. Costs for shipment will be charged to the licensee. For international orders, the customer may have to pay additional duties or taxes according to her/his country’s practices. If the customer refuses to accept the package because of country-specific duties or taxes, her/his credit card will still be charged the shipping costs plus a 20% re-storing fee. Please note that shipments must have a street address. Freight cannot be delivered to a P.O. Box.

7. Inspection:

By ordering, the LICENSEE confirms that s/he has tested the SOFTWARE as downloaded from the INTERNET and has found it to be suitable for her/his needs.The LICENSEE acknowledges that the SOFTWARE is not built for usage in hazardous environments.

8. Warranty:

Stiftung SIC guarantees that the SOFTWARE is free of any computer virus or other malicious hidden routines that would intentionally cause damage to or corrupt data, storage media or equipment. For proving the integrity of the SOFTWARE, Stiftung SIC may calculate a SHA-1 hash value over the distribution file and publish it on its web site. It is the duty of the licensee to verify this hash value. If the hash value cannot be verified, Stiftung SIC declines any warranties on that software, and the licensee should immediately (or within 30 days of delivery at the latest), contact Stiftung SIC for verification and reshipment. The SOFTWARE is provided “as is” and except for the declaration and warranty stated in this Section, Stiftung SIC makes no representations, conditions or warranties, either express or implied, relative to the IAIK-Toolkit or services provided hereunder, including all implied conditions or warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose and all conditions with respect to intellectual property infringement. Stiftung SIC may, but shall not be obliged to, fix errors in any IAIK-Toolkit.

9. Proprietary Information and Confidentiality:

The LICENSEE acknowledges that the SOFTWARE remains the property of, and is confidential to, Stiftung SIC and incorporates trade secrets of Stiftung SIC, and that Stiftung SIC shall have the exclusive right to any copyrights or patents in respect of the SOFTWARE. The LICENSEE agrees to maintain the confidentiality of the SOFTWARE. The LICENSEE further agrees that (with the exception of paragraph 2 above), s/he shall not make any disclosure of the SOFTWARE (including copies thereof or methods or concepts utilised therein) to any person or entity, other than employees of the LICENSEE, to whom such disclosure is necessary in order to use the SOFTWARE as provided herein. The LICENSEE shall appropriately notify each employee to whom any such disclosure is made. Such disclosure must be made in confidence and shall be kept in confidence by the employee in question. The LICENSEE agrees to use diligent and determined efforts to secure and protect the SOFTWARE and copies thereof in a manner consistent with their proprietary character and the maintenance of LICENSOR`s rights therein, and without limitation thereof, to take appropriate action, by instruction or agreement with its employees who are permitted access to the SOFTWARE or copies thereof, or otherwise, to satisfy its obligations as hereby stated.

10. Termination:

Stiftung SIC may terminate this Agreement without prior notice, if the licensee 1. neglects or fails to perform or observe, or correct a breach of its obligations to Stiftung SIC; 2. goes out of business, files a bankruptcy petition or has such a petition filed involuntarily against it or becomes insolvent; 3. develops, sells, licenses or distributes or attempts to develop, sell, license or distribute any software based on the IAIK-Toolkit which is outside the scope of the limited rights granted herein, to any third party. In the event of such a termination, the Licensee shall immediately return the original of the SOFTWARE to Stiftung SIC and destroy all copies. If the SOFTWARE has been delivered electronically, the Licensee shall delete all electronic versions from her/his systems and ensure that all backup copies are destroyed as well.

11. Liability:

To the maximum extent allowed by applicable law Stiftung SIC shall not be liable for any damages whatsoever (including, without limitation, damages for loss of business profits, business interruption, loss of business information, or other pecuniary loss) arising out of the use of or inability to use the IAIK-Toolkit, even if Stiftung SIC has been advised of the possibility of such damages.

12. Export Restrictions:

In some countries, the IAIK-Toolkits may be subject to export and import restrictions. Their re-export may require the approval of the competent authorities. The Licensee shall be liable for the observance of any control regulation and explicitly agrees to hold Stiftung SIC fully harmless.

13. Audit Rights:

The Licensee has to keep records regarding the number of copies of each IAIK-Toolkit made and/or in use, as well as of runtime licences distributed to her/his customers. A suitable person selected by Stiftung SIC may inspect these records in the name of Stiftung SIC to verify these figures. Such inspections will be made only upon reasonable notice, during normal business hours and no more often than once a year.

14. Waiver:

Invalidity, on legal grounds, of any term of this Agreement does not render the Agreement as a whole invalid.

15. Survival:

Irrespective of expiration or termination of this Agreement, the provisions of Articles 2, 4, 5, 10, 13 shall survive the termination or the expiry of this Agreement.

16. Governing Law, Arbitration:

This Agreement is governed by Austrian law.

17. Assignment:

The Licensee shall not assign this Agreement without the prior written consent of Stiftung SIC.

Educational Licences

An educational licence is granted to educational institutions wishing to use our products for educational purposes. Educational Licences follow the same principles as in our commercial licence , but the licence fees are waived. An educational licence will be granted when downloading the evalution version of the required IAIK Java Security product. Before starting the downloading procedure you have to conscientiously fill out a registration form in order to become registered as a IAIK Java Security software user. Click the Eductional Licence check box for indicating your intention to obtain an educational licence. When successfully registered, we will send you an email containing a User Name and a Password to be used for downloading, together with download instructions. There is no way of obtaining an educational licence if ordering the CDROM version of the requested IAIK Java Security product. If you intend to use a CD-ROM, you must ask for a commercial licence.

Research Licences

A research licence is granted to research institutions using our products for research projects only. Research Licences follow the same principles as in our commercial licence, but the licence fees are waived. The results of a research project can only be used within that project and for a maximum of 2 years. If the results are exploited or used beyond that 2-year time frame, a commercial licence must be acquired.

Important: Redistribution of programmes

Any software developed with an educational licence may be distributed or sold only without the IAIK toolkit. Users, intending to run such software, must aquire runtime licences at Stiftung SIC (If such users intend using the software in education, an educational licence can, of course, be used ). Any commercial use requires commercial licensing from Stiftung SIC. If any of this software is freeware, we might allow free use of our evaluation version for such software on a case by case basis. Authors of such software are asked to send a copy of the software (no sources please!) together with a description of the software to

License for Open Source Projects

Stiftung SIC Java Crypto-Software Development KitLicence Agreement for Free Licenses Valid from January 01, 2017 The Stiftung SIC (Stiftung Secure Information and Communication Technologies, Inffeldgasse16a, A-8010 Graz, Austria / Europe) hereafter referred to as “Stiftung SIC” offers to grant licences for the SOFTWARE defined below according to the following conditions:


  1. “LICENSEE” refers to the person, organisation or company, to whom the licenses are granted under this license agreement.
  2. The term “SOFTWARE” refers to IAIK Java Crypto Software in any form (source code, object code or other) including documentation. The SOFTWARE is the sole property of Stiftung SIC and protected by Austrian, International Copyright Law, e.g. the Revised Berne Convention, and the US Copyright Act.
  3. “IAIK Java Crypto Software” means either IAIK-JCE, iSaSiLk or any other Java-based Crypto-Software development kit which usually consists of source code (if applicable; for source licences only), Java byte code or any other form of object code. The Software and additional tools are distributed in documentation, manuals, user guides, sample application code, tools – including any revisions, patches and updates delivered or downloaded by the LICENSEE.
  4. “IAIK Java Crypto Software Runtime Modules” means the runtime object code modules provided with, or derived from, an IAIK-Java-Crypto Software Development Kit, which are usually distributed as a Java-Archive in JAR or ZIP-Format, or in any other format suitable for use by application programmes or other software.
  5. “IAIK-Crypto Software based Application” means any computer programme created by the LICENSEE using any of the IAIK-Toolkits, including applications offered using the “Software as a Service” model, but with the exception of other server software, which is considered as a different category.
  6. “Server software” means IAIK-Crypto Software based applications run on a server. Examples for server software are applets, midlets, servlets, CGI-scripts or software that is run on a server, with the exception of applications offered using the “Software as a Service” model.
  7. “To publish” means that an application is retrievable or accessible from a certain server, but not installed on another machine.
  8. DERIVED SOFTWARE” refers to software (excluding any of our SOFTWARE) in any form (source code, object code or other) that uses the IAIK Java Crypto Software Runtime Modules. It also includes parts where LICENSEE acts as a licensor or sub-licensor.
  9. “Open Source Software Development” means development under an ACCEPTED LICENSE.
  10. “ACCEPTED LICENSE” means the following licenses:
    1. GPL Version 2, June 1991 (
    2. European Union Public License (EUPL) Version 1.1, January 2009 ( – for distribution under compatible licenses defined in the licenses above or under any other license, the LICENSEE needs explicit permission by Stiftung SIC.

2. GRANTING of LICENCES Stiftung SIC grants free licenses of the SOFTWARE for development of free of charge open source software. The SOFTWARE may be distributed bundled with the free of charge open source software in binary form only. The type of open source development is generally unrestricted; the only exception is a product that contains or is an API or a service of which most of the functionality is provided by the SOFTWARE. The derived product must not offer features that are similar to that of the SOFTWARE. This means, this license does not allow developing a product that contains or is a wrapper around the SOFTWARE. The LICENSEE and her/his licensees are granted a non-exclusive, non-transferable license to run and redistribute the IAIK Java Crypto Software Runtime Modules in unmodified, binary form under the following conditions.

  • The LICENSEE and her/his licensees are not permitted to charge any royalties or fees for DERIVED SOFTWARE.
  • The LICENSEE of “IAIK Java Crypto Software Runtime Modules”, has to make the source code of her/his product publicly available under an ACCEPTED LICENSE.
  • The LICENSEE is further hereby obliged and authorized to bind her/his licensees to all these conditions.

If LICENSEE licenses DERIVED SOFTWARE under any other free software licensing scheme that is similar to an ACCEPTED LICENSE, it may be possible to grant a free license. Stiftung SIC will decide on this individually after inspecting the intended use and license conditions. This free license shall NOT be construed or otherwise interpreted as any kind of express or implied representation that this SOFTWARE is licensable under an ACCEPTED LICENSE or any free license other than the one laid out in this document.

3. LIMITATIONS for all LICENCES: LICENSEES must not attempt to reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble, reverse, translate or in any other manner decode the computer programmes in the IAIK-Toolkit in order to derive the source code there from. ATTENTION: THIS LICENSE AGREEMENT DOES NOT INCLUDE LICENSING OF THE INCLUDED ALGORITHMS, when appropriate. Please see the summary of the licence/patent status situation of algorithms used in IAIK-JCE. It is the sole responsibility of LICENSEES to ensure the legality of using the IAIK-Crypto software in their countries. Stiftung SIC declares that to the best of its knowledge all parts of the IAIK-Toolkits have been developed by Austrian citizens, except for the HTTP implementation (w3c_http.jar) delivered with the iSaSiLk distribution and free third party libraries (like Apache Xalan or Xerces) that may be delivered with the toolkits for convenience. The implementation of the Camellia cipher algorithm core has been provided by NTT (Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation) under BSD licence terms, the core of the optional native AES-NI part has been provided by Intel® Corporation (see ThirdPartyLicenses.pdf for more information).

4. TERMS of LICENSE: Free licenses for development of free of charge open source software under ACCEPTED LICENSES are perpetual. Stiftung SIC has no obligation to continue making free updates or new versions available for LICENSEE

5. DELIVERY: Free licenses are made available by download only.

6. WARRANTY: Stiftung SIC guarantees that the SOFTWARE is free of any computer virus or other malicious hidden routines that would intentionally cause damage to or corrupt data, storage media or equipment. The SOFTWARE is provided “as is” and except for the declaration and warranty stated in this Section, Stiftung SIC makes no representations, conditions or warranties, either express or implied, relative to the IAIK-Toolkit or services provided hereunder, including all implied conditions or warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose and all conditions with respect to intellectual property infringement.

7. PROPRIETARY INFORMATION and CONFIDENTIALITY: The LICENSEE acknowledges that the SOFTWARE remains the property of, and is confidential to, Stiftung SIC and incorporates trade secrets of Stiftung SIC, and that Stiftung SIC shall have the exclusive right to any copyrights or patents in respect of the SOFTWARE. The LICENSEE agrees to maintain the confidentiality of the SOFTWARE. The LICENSEE further agrees that (with the exception of paragraph 2 above), s/he shall not make any disclosure of the SOFTWARE (including copies thereof or methods or concepts utilised therein) to any person or entity, other than employees of the LICENSEE, to whom such disclosure is necessary in order to use the SOFTWARE as provided herein. The LICENSEE shall appropriately notify each employee to whom any such disclosure is made. Such disclosure must be made in confidence and shall be kept in confidence by the employee in question. The LICENSEE agrees to use diligent and determined efforts to secure and protect the SOFTWARE and copies thereof in a manner consistent with their proprietary character and the maintenance of LICENSOR`s rights therein, and without limitation thereof, to take appropriate action, by instruction or agreement with its employees who are permitted access to the SOFTWARE or copies thereof, or otherwise, to satisfy its obligations as hereby stated.

8. TERMINATION: Stiftung SIC may terminate this Agreement without prior notice, if the LICENSEE 1. neglects or fails to perform or observe, or correct a breach of its obligations to Stiftung SIC; 2. goes out of business, files a bankruptcy petition or has such a petition filed involuntarily against it or becomes insolvent; 3. develops, sells, licenses or distributes or attempts to develop, sell, license or distribute any software based on the IAIK-Toolkit which is outside the scope of the limited rights granted herein, to any third party. In the event of such a termination, the LICENSEE shall immediately delete all electronic versions from her/his systems and ensure that all backup copies are destroyed as well.

9. LIABILITY: To the maximum extent allowed by applicable law Stiftung SIC shall not be liable for any damages whatsoever (including, without limitation, damages for loss of business profits, business interruption, loss of business information, or other pecuniary loss) arising out of the use of or inability to use the IAIK-Toolkit, even if Stiftung SIC has been advised of the possibility of such damages.

10. EXPORT RESTRICTIONS: In some countries, the IAIK-Toolkits may be subject to export and import restrictions. Their re-export may require the approval of the competent authorities. The LICENSEE shall be liable for the observance of any control regulation and explicitly agrees to hold Stiftung SIC fully harmless.

11. WAIVER: Invalidity, on legal grounds, of any term of this Agreement does not render the Agreement as a whole invalid.

12. SURVIVAL: Irrespective of expiration or termination of this Agreement, the provisions of Articles 2, 4, and 8 shall survive the termination or the expiry of this Agreement.

13. GOVERNING LAW, ARBITRATION: This Agreement is governed by Austrian law.

License Agreement MOA

Diese Bibliotheken enthalten die kryptographischen Grundfunktionen für den Einsatz der vom Bundeskanzleramt zur Verfügung gestellten “Module für Online-Applikationen” (MOA-ID,SP und SS, MOCCA, PDF-AS und PDF-OVER). Diese sind für den Einsatz bei Behörden kostenfrei und können von jedermann kostenfrei genutzt werden, soferne diese ausschließlich mit den unveränderten MOA Modulen des Bundeskanzleramtes zum Einsatz kommen. Der Einsatz von IAIK MOA in der Wirtschaft unterliegt den im folgenden Dokument angeführten Lizenzbedingungen:



Owing to patent issues regarding the use of certain algorithms, up to version 5.60 our Stiftung SIC-JCE software tool was shipped in two versions, a US-VERSION containing neither of those algorithms and a NON-US version additionally containing algorithms (IDEA, ESDH, RC5, RC6) which have been protected by one or more patents. This allowed US customers a hassle-free using of IAIK Security software for the Java™ platform without running the risk of infringing these patents. Additionally, we provided an iaik_jce_full.jar file enabling you to use a “one-step” download of all IAIK-JCE classes including IDEA, ESDH, RC5 and RC6!
Recent patent search has shown that all patents we have been aware of concerning the above-mentioned algorithms are expired meanwhile:

Although the patents for IDEA, ESDH, RC5 and RC6 are expired, we continue to split their implementations into separate jar files because of backwards compatibility (allowing to use IAIK-JCE in the accustomed way). Furthermore we continue to maintain two jar files, iaik_jce.jar (containing non patented algorithms only) and iaik_jce_full.jar (containing all, patented and non patented algorithms). This means that if any of the algorithms we will implement in the future may be subject of some patent claim it will be added to iaik_jce_full.jar but not to iaik_jce.jar.

Similarly, our Elliptic Curve Library ECCelerate™ provides a separate addon jar file containing a series of arithmetic speed-ups for which the patent situation is not clear. This allows you to decide whether you want to download and use them or being satisfied with the ECC core library.

Please note that — although we have done some extensive patent search — there is the possibility that there exist further patents or trademarks we are not aware of. Should you have knowledge about some valid patent or trademark that may require some specific action from our side, we would be grateful if you could inform us about it.

List of Trademarks

IDEA is registered as Trademark by “Asom Systec AG”. CAST is registered as Trademark by “Entrust Technologies, Inc.”. MD2, MD5, RC2, RC4, RC5, RC6, RSA are registered as Trademarks by “RSA Data Security Inc.”

We need to get an individual export license for customers who are situated outside of the EU. However, we do NOT require an export licence if you are located in Australia, Canada, Japan, New Zealand, Norway, Switzerland (including Liechtenstein), and the United States of America (for those countries the general export authorisation EU001 is valid).

This depends. If we require an import license from your country, it is simply a declaration you have to sign. If we require an export licence, we need to get some paperwork from you. As soon as we have all documents, we can apply for the export license, which typically takes about 4-5 weeks to be processed. We cannot guarantee any schedule, however! Therefore: please do not wait until the last moment to order our toolkit! If you want it to be shipped tomorrow and order it today, it is too late (and most likely contradicts our evaluation license).

Unfortunately this is not possible.

Unfortunately this is not possible.

We are open to negotiate special licensing terms with you. Please contact our sales team.

Typically a server license is either needed when running a server-type-application, or when providing applets and comparable things on a website. So if you develop programs that are (a) provided to client computers (e.g. applet) and the number of client computers cannot be determined or (b) on a server (servlet), you need a server-license. However, when running your software as a service (“SaaS” model) you will need runtime licenses, depending on the number of users subscribed to your service.

This depends. Basically, you require one license for each server your software is installed on. The number of server licences you need depends on the number of server names that hosts your application and the number of processors of the physical machine. If your server application is accessible through one server name which runs on one physical machine having one processor, 1 server licence of IAIK is enough. If you have more server names or more processors, the number of server licences you need is the number of server names multiplied with the number of processors. The number of Java™ virtual machines does not matter. If you have only one developer working with one of our IAIK toolkits, one developer licence is enough. For developer licenses, only the number of developers who work with the IAIK toolkit counts.

Your runtime licenses are always linked with the corresponding developer license(s), they were purchased with. This means that in case you renew your licenses, you have to update your developer license, as well as your runtime licenses.

Yes, of course. The transfer of names from IAIK to Stiftung SIC has no influence on our licensing system.

Developer licenses: These licenses allow you to develop applications based on our toolkits. You can choose between a limited number and unlimited developer licenses (depending on the number of developers within your company working with our toolkits). In case you purchase developer licenses at Stiftung SIC, you will be able to download new product versions for one year. For further details about developer licenses, please have a look at our licence conditions. Runtime licenses: These licenses are non-exclusive, non-sublicensable licences to run the respective number of IAIK-Crypto software-based applications that have been developed by the licensee under a developer licence. They are transferable to customers or other third parties, which means that if the customer or other third party acquires a certain number of licences for IAIK-Crypto Software-based applications from the licensee, the respective number of runtime licenses is transferred to the customer. If the licensee grants her/his customers an unlimited number of runtime licenses, the licensee also needs an unlimited runtime license from Stiftung SIC.

We need to get an individual export license for customers who are situated outside of the EU. However, we do NOT require an export licence if you are located in Australia, Canada, Japan, New Zealand, Norway, Switzerland (including Liechtenstein), and the United States of America (for those countries the general export authorisation EU001 is valid).

This depends. If we require an import license from your country, it is simply a declaration you have to sign. If we require an export licence, we need to get some paperwork from you. As soon as we have all documents, we can apply for the export license, which typically takes about 4-5 weeks to be processed. We cannot guarantee any schedule, however! Therefore: please do not wait until the last moment to order our toolkit! If you want it to be shipped tomorrow and order it today, it is too late (and most likely contradicts our evaluation license).

Unfortunately this is not possible.

Unfortunately this is not possible.

We are open to negotiate special licensing terms with you. Please contact our sales team.

Typically a server license is either needed when running a server-type-application, or when providing applets and comparable things on a website. So if you develop programs that are (a) provided to client computers (e.g. applet) and the number of client computers cannot be determined or (b) on a server (servlet), you need a server-license. However, when running your software as a service (“SaaS” model) you will need runtime licenses, depending on the number of users subscribed to your service.

This depends. Basically, you require one license for each server your software is installed on. The number of server licences you need depends on the number of server names that hosts your application and the number of processors of the physical machine. If your server application is accessible through one server name which runs on one physical machine having one processor, 1 server licence of IAIK is enough. If you have more server names or more processors, the number of server licences you need is the number of server names multiplied with the number of processors. The number of Java™ virtual machines does not matter. If you have only one developer working with one of our IAIK toolkits, one developer licence is enough. For developer licenses, only the number of developers who work with the IAIK toolkit counts.

Your runtime licenses are always linked with the corresponding developer license(s), they were purchased with. This means that in case you renew your licenses, you have to update your developer license, as well as your runtime licenses.

Yes, of course. The transfer of names from IAIK to Stiftung SIC has no influence on our licensing system.

Developer licenses: These licenses allow you to develop applications based on our toolkits. You can choose between a limited number and unlimited developer licenses (depending on the number of developers within your company working with our toolkits). In case you purchase developer licenses at Stiftung SIC, you will be able to download new product versions for one year. For further details about developer licenses, please have a look at our licence conditions. Runtime licenses: These licenses are non-exclusive, non-sublicensable licences to run the respective number of IAIK-Crypto software-based applications that have been developed by the licensee under a developer licence. They are transferable to customers or other third parties, which means that if the customer or other third party acquires a certain number of licences for IAIK-Crypto Software-based applications from the licensee, the respective number of runtime licenses is transferred to the customer. If the licensee grants her/his customers an unlimited number of runtime licenses, the licensee also needs an unlimited runtime license from Stiftung SIC.

Our clients

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of our commercial customers.