
ECCelerate™ 6.32

The IAIK ECCelerate™ library for the Java™ platform is based on Java 6 technology and offers easy to use elliptic curve cryptography protocols, like ECDSA, ECDH, ECIES and ECMQV (optional), compliant with current standards. As of version 3.0, it also provides support for asymmetric bilinear pairings using Barreto-Naehrig curves. Since version 5.0, ECCelerate™ supports EdDSA and DH based on X25519 and X448. ECCelerate™ is an add-on to the IAIK JCE provider (of version 5.51 or higher), which you have to download and install separately.

Main Features

  • Written entirely in the Java™ language
  • Compliant with ANSI X9.62-2005 (and legacy support for ANSI X9.62-1998), ANSI X9.63, IEEE P1363a, FIPS 186-4, SEC1 v2.0, SEC2 v2.0, RFC 5639 and ANSSI
  • ECDSA with SHA-1/SHA-2 support according to ANSI X9.62-2005 and BSI TR 03111 v1.11
  • RFC6979 support for ECDSA
  • EdDSA width Curve25519 and Curve448
  • Fast finite field arithmetic in prime fields
  • Fast finite field arithmetic in binary fields. In binary fields we only use polynomial base representation. This is mainly because of the patent situation, but there is no reason to use Gaussian normal bases.
  • Support for elliptic curve arithmetic with affine and several types of projective coordinates (Extended Jacobian, Jacobian, Lopez-Dahab, …)
  • Comprehensive domain parameter factory (see list of supported parameters)
  • JCE/JCA integration of ECDSA, ECDH (with and without cofactor multiplication, also for X25519/X448), ECIES, EdDSA and ECMQV (optional)
  • ASN.1 encoding of signatures, public and private keys
  • Support for point compression
  • Provides interfaces to IAIK-CMS and IAIK iSaSiLk libraries
  • Optional arithmetic speed-ups enhance performance (Koblitz curves, various optimized scalar multipliers, …). These are delivered with the add-on due to the vague patent situation.
  • Optional (basic) protection against (remote) timing side-channels
  • Asymmetric pairing (optimal Ate pairing) over Barreto-Naehrig curves (ranging from 160-bit to 638-bit curves)

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Pricing and Licensing

For current prices of the ECCelerate™ library, please see our price list and license conditions.

See Prices


To order the product, please

See Webshop

The following tables list all pre-defined ECC domain parameters. Use the methods to make use of them. You can either provide the curve name (getParametersByName(name) method), use the object identifier (getParametersByOID(oid) method) or select domain parameters by the key length (getParametersByBitLength(bits) method). Some of the curves have more than one name. In this case you can specify any you like.

Supported ECC Domain Parameter for Elliptic Curves over Prime Fields

This is the recommended field type and more efficient in software. The NIST curves are being used if you initialize the keypair generator just with the keysize.

key length OID X9.62 NIST SEC2 RFC 5639 ANSSI
160 secp160k1
160 P-160 secp160r1
160 secp160r2
160 brainpoolP160r1
160 brainpoolP160t1
192 1.2.840.10045.3.1.1 prime192v1 P-192 secp192r1
192 secp192k1
192 1.2.840.10045.3.1.2 prime192v2
192 1.2.840.10045.3.1.3 prime192v3
192 brainpoolP192r1
192 brainpoolP192t1
224 P-224 secp224r1
224 secp224k1
224 brainpoolP224r1
224 brainpoolP224t1
256 1.2.840.10045.3.1.7 prime256v1 P-256 secp256r1
256 secp256k1
256 brainpoolP256r1
256 brainpoolP256t1
256 FRP256v1
320 brainpoolP320r1
320 brainpoolP320t1
384 P-384 secp384r1
384 brainpoolP384r1
384 brainpoolP384t1
512 brainpoolP512r1
512 brainpoolP512t1
521 P-521 secp521r1

Supported ECC Domain Parameter for Elliptic Curves over Binary Fields

We only support polynomial base representation of this field type.

key length OID X9.62 NIST SEC2
163 K-163 sect163k1
163 B-163 sect163r2
163 sect163r1
191 1.2.840.10045.3.0.5 c2tnb191v1
191 1.2.840.10045.3.0.6 c2tnb191v2
191 1.2.840.10045.3.0.7 c2tnb191v3
193 sect193r1
193 sect193r2
233 K-233 sect233k1
233 B-233 sect233r1
239 sect239k1
239 1.2.840.10045.3.0.11 c2tnb239v1
239 1.2.840.10045.3.0.12 c2tnb239v2
239 1.2.840.10045.3.0.13 c2tnb239v3
359 1.2.840.10045.3.0.18 c2tnb359v1
409 K-409 sect409k1
409 B-409 sect409r1
431 1.2.840.10045.3.0.20 c2tnb431r1
571 K-571 sect571k1
571 B-571 sect571r1

Supported twisted Edward curve domain parameters

ECCElerate™ supports twisted Edward curves via You can either provide the curve name (
getParametersByName(name) method) or the object identifier (
getParametersByOID(oid) method). The instances named starting with
Curve are for use in the context of X25519 and X448. The instances named starting with
Edwards are for use in the context of EdDSA.

Name OID

NIST SP-800-57a Part1 Document

 Bits of Security  Example Algorithm  Prime Field ||p|| *  Binary Field m
 112  Triple-DES  224  233
 128  AES-128  256  283
 192  AES-192  384  409
 256  AES-256  521  571

*) by ||p|| is meant the length of the binary expansion of the integer p.

The ECCelerate™ Add-On holds algorithms that are (assumed to be) subject to patent claims. In case you want to employ our arithmetical optimizations to gain full performance, you must include iaik_eccelerate_addon.jar into your classpath.

There have been many patents granted and applied for in the field of ECC. This means that this implementation may contain an implementation of an algorithm that is IPR-protected in some country. At this time we are not aware of a specific case, some arithmetical speedups (included in the separate iaik_eccelerate_addon.jar file). If anybody identifies a case of potential patent infringement, we would be grateful if you could inform us about this to enable us dealing with the issue.

The subsequent charts show the performance improvements of ECCelerate™ with regard to our old IAIK-ECC library. In case of ECCelerate™ the default optimization level was used.

The performance was measured on an Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4790 CPU @ 3.60GHz, 16GB DDR3 RAM running Ubuntu Linux 15.04/amd64 and JDK 1.7.0_80/amd64 in server mode.

ECDSA Signing Operations/s using NIST Curves over Fp:


ECDSA Verify Operations/s using NIST Curves over Fp:


ECDSA Signing Operations/s using NIST Curves over F2m:



ECDSA Verify Operations/s using NIST Curves over F2m:



For an introduction to the IAIK ECCelerate™ library please have a look at the following Tutorial

The JavaDoc™ API is also available online.

IAIK ECCelerate™ 6.32 – 8. August 2024
Class or Package Bug / Change / New Feature Description and Examples C

ECDSA Signature verification now fails if Signature contains invalid DER encoding.

IAIK ECCelerate™ 6.31 – 27. August 2024
Class or Package Bug / Change / New Feature Description and Examples C

EdPrivateKey byte[] constructor cannot be used with EdDSAPrivateKey bytes anymore.

IAIK ECCelerate™ 6.3 – 3. February 2023
IAIK ECCelerate™ 6.2 – 23. December 2022
IAIK ECCelerate™ 6.1 – 27. December 2021
IAIK ECCelerate™ 6.02 – 12. June 2020
IAIK ECCelerate™ 6.01 – 3. September 2019
IAIK ECCelerate™ 6.0 – 4. July 2019
IAIK ECCelerate™ 5.01 – 30. January 2019
IAIK ECCelerate™ 5.0 – 12. July 2018
IAIK ECCelerate – 19. July 2017
IAIK ECCelerate™ – 23. March 2017
IAIK ECCelerate™ Release - – 13. October 2016
IAIK ECCelerate™ – 8. August 2016
IAIK ECCelerate™ – 5. November 2015
IAIK ECCelerate™ – 22. July 2015
IAIK ECCelerate™ – 11. November 2014
IAIK ECCelerate™ – 31. July 2014
IAIK ECCelerate™ – 16. April 2014
IAIK ECCelerate™ – 28. March 2014
IAIK ECCelerate™ – 6. December 2013
IAIK ECCelerate™ – 28. May 2013
IAIK ECCelerate™ – 13. December 2012
IAIK ECCelerate™ – 7. August 2012
IAIK ECCelerate™ –
IAIK ECCelerate™ – 14. December 2011
IAIK ECCelerate™ – 21. September 2011
IAIK ECCelerate™ – 8. August 2011
IAIK ECCelerate™ – 7. July 2011
IAIK ECCelerate™ – 1. June 2011
IAIK ECCelerate™ – 2. May 2011
IAIK ECCelerate™ – 15. April 2011

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