The IAIK Provider for the Java™ Cryptography Extension (IAIK-JCE) is a set of APIs and implementations of cryptographic functionality, including hash functions, message authentication codes, symmetric, asymmetric, stream, and block encryption, key and certificate management. It supplements the security functionality of the default JDK.

Main Features

  • Extensive Security Provider
  • Built-in ASN.1 library
  • Support for many PKCS standards
  • X.509 certificate and CRL handling for building PKI solutions
  • Ldap Certificate/Crl Search utilities
  • Secure Random number generators
  • Comprehensive API documentation and many demo samples

Show all

Pricing and Licensing

For current prices of IAIK-JCE, please see our price list and license conditions. IAIK-JCE is free for educational and research purposes, please see our educational/research license conditions.

See Prices


For more information please visit:


IAIK-JCE works on any Java™ version starting with JDK 1.2 up to the most recent versions.
IAIK-JCE comes with its own security provider offering a great variety of cryptographic services, algorithms and secure random number generators. The X.509 package supports X.509 public key, qualified and attributes certificates, revocation information handling via CRLs and OCSP, and searching and downloading certificates or CRLs from LDAP directories. Comprehensive ASN.1 and PKCS APIs allow easy modelling of ASN.1 structures, secure storing of sensitive keying and data material, and signing or encrypting digital documents. An extensive demo source library makes it easy to soon become familiar with Cryptography for the Java™ platform and IAIK-JCE.

Since IAIK-JCE version 5.0 we have been delivering an optional AES addon, which makes use of the AES-NI instruction set extensions of modern x86 CPUs. Using this addon the throughput of AES can be sped up tremendously. Take a look at our speed tables to see the difference.

The IAIK provider

The provider architecture has been introduced by the Java™ Cryptographic Architecture (JCA), making it possible for different cryptographic implementations to operate on common interfaces (consult the Java™ Cryptography Architecture API Specification & Reference).

The term provider is an abbreviation for Cryptographic Package Provider and denotes a package or a set of packages supplying concrete implementations of some cryptographic services of the Java™ Cryptography API (see JCA). A JCA provider may realise implementations of digital signature, message digest and key pair generation algorithms, certificate factories and keystores. If the JCA API is extended by the Java™ Cryptography Extension (JCE) API, a provider may also implement encryption, message authentication and key exchange algorithms.

The master class of the IAIK security package provider is class IAIK of package iaik.security.provider. It extends class java.security.Provider for registering the IAIK provider specific cryptographic implementations within the Java™ cryptography architecture. The IAIK provider supports both, algorithm implemetations for JCA and for the JCE extension (see below).

The IAIK provider contains the following JCA implementations (follow this link for a detailed list):

Message Digest Algorithms

SHA-1, SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512, SHA512/224, SHA512/256, SHA3-224, SHA3-256, SHA3-384, SHA3-512;

SHA3 Extendable Output Functions (XOFs): SHAKE128 (SHAKE128InputStream), SHAKE256 (SHAKE256InputStream)

Groestl-224, Groestl-256, Groestl-384, Groestl-512
BLAKE-224, BLAKE-256, BLAKE-384, BLAKE-512
Keccak-224, Keccak-256, Keccak-384, Keccak-512
JH-224, JH-256, JH-384, JH-512
Skein-224, Skein-256, Skein-384, Skein-512
MD2, MD5

Signature Schemes

PKCS#1 version 1.5 RSA with SHA-1, SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512, SHA512/224, SHA512/256, SHA3-224, SHA3-256, SHA3-384, SHA3-512, MD2, MD5, RIPEMD-128, RIPEMD-160, RIPEMD-256, WHIRLPOOL; raw RSA with external hashing
PKCS#1 version 2.1 RSA PSS with SHA-1, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512, SHA512/224, SHA512/256, SHA3-224, SHA3-256, SHA3-384, SHA3-512, MD2, MD5, RIPEMD-128, RIPEMD-160, WHIRLPOOL; raw RSA PSS with external hashing
Support for RSASSA-PSS keys according to RFC 4055
ISO 9796-2 (2002) RSA with SHA-1, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512, RIPEMD-128, RIPEMD-160, WHIRLPOOL;
raw RSA with external hashing
SSL/TLS RSA signature with MD5 and SHA-1
DSA and DSA with external hashing; DSA with SHA-1, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512, SHA3-224, SHA3-256, SHA3-384, SHA3-512

Key Pair Generators

RSA and RSASSA-PSS (IEEE P1363 and FIPS 186-3)
DSA, SHA1withDSA, SHA224withDSA, SHA256withDSA

Key Factories

DSA, SHA1withDSA, SHA224withDSA, SHA256withDSA

Algorithm Parameter Generators

DSA, SHA1withDSA, SHA224withDSA, SHA256withDSA

Algorithm Parameters

DSA, SHA1withDSA, SHA224withDSA, SHA256withDSA
RSAPkcs15 (raw), RSASSA-PSS

Key Stores


Certificate Factories

X.509 AC (Attribute certificate factory)

Mask Generation Functions


Secure Random Generators

NIST SP800-90 with SHA-1, SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512, HMAC/SHA-1, HMAC/SHA-224, HMAC/SHA256, HMAC/SHA-384, HMAC/SHA-512, AES-128, AES-192 and AES-256
FIPS 186 with SHA-1, SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512, RIPEMD-160
BSI AIS 20 (v2.0) E5 with SHA-1, SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512, MD5, RIPEMD-128, RIPEMD-160, WHIRLPOOL
ANSI X9.17

See here  for a detailed list of the JCA implementations of the IAIK provider.

The IAIK provider supports the following JCE implementations (follow this link for a detailed list):

Cipher Algorithms

AES, Blowfish, Camellia, CAST-128, DES, DESede, GOST, IDEA, MARS, RC2, RC5, RC6, Rijndael, Rijndael-256, Serpent, Twofish
ARCFOUR (compatible with RC4™), ChaCha20, ChaCha20Poly1305
Key Wrap (AES, AES Key Wrap with Padding, Camellia, CAST-128, DESede, HMAC-DESede, HMAC-AES, IDEA, RC2)
PBE (PKCS#5 PBES1 with MD5, SHA-1 and DES, Triple-DES, RC2; PKCS#5 PBES2 with AES, DESede, … and HMAC/SHA-1, HMAC/SHA-2)
RSA (PKCS#1v1.5), RSAES-OAEP (PKCS#1v2.1)
ElGamal (PKCS#1v1.5)

Cipher Modes
RSA (PKCS#1v1.5): 0, 1, 2 (block types); SSL

Padding Schemes
NoPadding, PKCS5Padding, SSL3Padding, ISO78164Padding, ISO10126-2
ElGamal: PKCS1Padding

Key Agreement Algorithms


Message Authentication Codes

HMAC with SHA-1, SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512, SHA512/224, SHA512/256, SHA3-224, SHA3-256, SHA3-384, SHA3-512, MD5,
CMAC with AES and DESede
CBCMac with AES, DESede, and DES
Poly1305, PBMAC1

Key Pair Generators

RSA (PKCS#1v1.5), RSAES-OAEP (PKCS#1v2.1) (IEEE P1363 and FIPS 186-3)

Key Factories

RSA (PKCS#1v1.5), RSAES-OAEP (PKCS#1v2.1)

Key Generators

AES, AES-192, AES-256, Blowfish, Camellia, Camellia-192, Camellia-256, CAST-128, DES, DESede, GOST, IDEA, MARS, RC2, RC5, RC6, Rijndael, Rijndael-256, Serpent, Twofish
ARCFOUR (compatible with RC4™), ChaCha20
HMAC with SHA-1, SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512, SHA512/224, SHA512/256, SHA3-224, SHA3-256, SHA3-384, SHA3-512, MD5, RIPEMD-128, RIPEMD-160, WHIRLPOOL
Key Wrap (AES, AES-192, AES-256, CAST-128, DESede, DESede-HMAC, IDEA, RC2)

Secret Key Factories

AES, AES-192, AES-256, Blowfish, Camellia, CAST-128, DES, DESede, GOST, IDEA, MARS, RC2, RC5, RC6, Rijndael, Rijndael-256, Serpent, Twofish
ARCFOUR (compatible with RC4™), ChaCha20
Key Wrap (AES, AES-192, AES-256, CAST-128, DESede, DESede-HMAC, IDEA, RC2)

Algorithm Parameter Generators


Algorithm Parameters

AES, AES-192, AES-256, Blowfish, Camellia, CAST-128, DES, DESede, GOST, IDEA, MARS, RC2, RC5, RC6, Rijndael, Rijndael-256, Serpent, Twofish
IV (initialization vector)
ARCFOUR (compatible with RC4™)
Key Wrap (CAST-128, RC2)

See here  for a detailed list of the JCE implementations of the IAIK provider.

Abstract Syntax Notation One
(ASN.1), defined by the ISO standard ISO 8824/ITU X.208, specifies a language for describing data structures in an abstract and platform independent manner.
IAIK-JCE supports all essential basic – simple and constructed – ASN.1 types:

  • NULL
  • SET
  • SET OF
  • UTCTime
  • GeneralizedTime
  • all essential String types

IAIK-JCE provides the functionality for properly handling private, context-specific and application dependent types, as well as the pre-defined standard types.

Several en/decoding utilities support mechanisms for DER, Base64, and PEM en/decoding ASN.1 structures that may be implemented as Java™ classes.  For avoiding memory problems ASN.1 structures may be written or parsed to/from their encodings in stream based manner.

IAK-JCE includes a library of pre-built ASN.1 structures to be used for application protocols like  PKCS or X.509

IAIK-JCE supports the following standards of the PKCS public-key cryptography family:

  • PKCS#1: RSA Encryption Standard
  • PKCS#3: Diffie Hellman Key Agreement Standard
  • PKCS#5: Password-Based Encryprion Standard
  • PKCS#7: Cryptographic Message Syntax Standard
  • PKCS#8: Private-Key Information Syntax Standard
  • PKCS#9: Selected Attribute Types
  • PKCS#10: Certification Request Syntax Standard
  • PKCS#12: Personal Information Exchange Syntax Standard

There is support for these additional standards via separate products:

  • PKCS#11: Cryptographic Token Interface Standard. Not supported by IAIK-JCE, but supported by the separate product PKCS#11 Provider


  • fits into the JCA certificate/crl API
  • extends the JCA certificate/crl API about the ability of creating and issuing new certificates
  • supports X.509 public key certificates
  • supports X.509 certificate revocation lists (CRLs), delta CRLs and indirect CRLs
  • supports X.509 qualified certificates
  • supports X.509 attribute certificates
  • implements all X.509 certificate and crl extensions
  • implements all private Netscape cert extenions
  • implements all pkix qualified, attribute, and OCSP certificate extensions
  • implements the OCSP Online Certificate Status Protocol, version 2.01
    • supports client-side and server-side creation, signing, parsing and verification of OCSP requests and responses
    • implements all OCSP client and server extensions
    • supports OCSP over HTTP
    • includes utilities for creating OCSP responses from CRLs and maintaining trusted responder certs

IAIK-JCE includes a variety of random number generators including those from NIST SP800-90, ANSI X9.17, FIPS PUB 186-2 and other hash-based random generators. In addition, IAIK-JCE provides utilities making it easy for GUI developers to use Java™ AWT events for seeding the generator.


Class name Standard name Description
SHA1SP80090Random SHA1PRNG-SP80090 A SHA-1 hash-based secure random according NIST SP800-90.
SHA224SP80090Random SHA224PRNG-SP80090 A SHA-224 hash-based secure random according NIST SP800-90.
SHA256SP80090Random SHA256PRNG-SP80090 A SHA-256 hash-based secure random according NIST SP800-90.
SHA384SP80090Random SHA384PRNG-SP80090 A SHA-384 hash-based secure random according NIST SP800-90.
SHA512SP80090Random SHA512PRNG-SP80090 A SHA-512 hash-based secure random according NIST SP800-90.
HMacSHA1SP80090Random HMacSHA1PRNG-SP80090 An HMac/SHA-1 based secure random according NIST SP800-90.
HMacSHA224SP80090Random HMacSHA224PRNG-SP80090 An HMac/SHA-224 MAC-based secure random according NIST SP800-90.
HMacSHA256SP80090Random HMacSHA256PRNG-SP80090 An HMac/SHA-256 MAC-based secure random according NIST SP800-90.
HMacSHA384SP80090Random HMacSHA384PRNG-SP80090 An HMac/SHA-384 MAC-based secure random according NIST SP800-90.
HMacSHA512SP80090Random HMacSHA512PRNG-SP80090 An HMac/SHA-512 MAC-based secure random according NIST SP800-90.
AES128SP80090Random AES128PRNG-SP80090 An AES-128 blockcipher-based secure random according NIST SP800-90.
AES192SP80090Random AES192PRNG-SP80090 An AES-192 blockcipher-based secure random according NIST SP800-90.
AES256SP80090Random AES256PRNG-SP80090 An AES-256 blockcipher-based secure random according NIST SP800-90.
SHA1Random SHA1PRNG A SHA-1 hash-based secure random according to example E.5 of the AIS 20 (v2.0) document for Common Criteria from BSI.
MD5Random A MD5 hash-based secure random according to example E.5 of the AIS 20 (v2.0) document for Common Criteria from BSI.
RipeMd128Random A RIPEMD-128 hash-based secure random according to example E.5 of the AIS 20 (v2.0) document for Common Criteria from BSI.
RipeMd160Random RipeMD160PRNG A RIPEMD-160 hash-based secure random according to example E.5 of the AIS 20 (v2.0) document for Common Criteria from BSI.
SHA256Random SHA256PRNG A SHA-256 hash-based secure random according to example E.5 of the AIS 20 (v2.0) document for Common Criteria from BSI.
SHA384Random SHA384PRNG A SHA-384 hash-based secure random according to example E.5 of the AIS 20 (v2.0) document for Common Criteria from BSI.
SHA512Random SHA512PRNG A SHA-512 hash-based secure random according to example E.5 of the AIS 20 (v2.0) document for Common Criteria from BSI.
SHA1FIPS186Random SHA1PRNG-FIPS186 A SHA-1 hash-based secure random according to the general purpose version of the FIPS 186-2 random generator.
RipeMd160FIPS186Random RipeMD160PRNG-FIPS186 A RIPEMD-160 hash-based secure random according to the general purpose version of the FIPS 186-2 random generator.
SHA256FIPS186Random SHA256PRNG-FIPS186 A SHA-256 hash-based secure random according to the general purpose version of the FIPS 186-2 random generator.
SHA384FIPS186Random SHA384PRNG-FIPS186 A SHA-384 hash-based secure random according to the general purpose version of the FIPS 186-2 random generator.
SHA512FIPS186Random SHA512PRNG-FIPS186 A SHA-512 hash-based secure random according to the general purpose version of the FIPS 186-2 random generator.
AnsiRandom DESedePRNG A triple DES based secure random according to ANSI X9.17.

IAIK-JCE class LdapURLConnection  allows to easily search an ldap directory for certificates, attribute certificates or certificate revocation lists in a way as accustomed from the java.net URL framework. In its most simple case you only will have to create an
LdapURLConnection object by calling method
openConnection on an LDAP URL object, set — if required — any request properties, and finally call method
getInputStream or
getContent for reading the search result, e.g.:

// the ldap url
 URL url = new URL("ldap://...");
 // open connection
 LdapURLConnection con = (LdapURLConnection)url.openConnection();
 // set any request properties (if required)
 // connect to the ldap server and read the result:
 X509CRL crl = (X509CRL)con.getContent();

For downloading a CRL from its (http or ldap) distribution point you simple can use method
loadCrl of the
DistributionPoint class. With this method you can download any referenced CRL(s) immediately while stepping through the distribution points contained in an
CRLDistributionPoints extension of a certificate, e.g.:

X509Certificate cert = ...;
 // get CRLDistributionPoints extension
 CRLDistributionPoints cRLDistributionPoints = cert.getExtension(CRLDistributionPoints.oid);
 if (cRLDistributionPoints != null) {
   // get DistributionPoints
   Enumeration e = cRLDistributionPoints.getDistributionPoints();
     while (e.hasMoreElements()) {
     DistributionPoint dp = (DistributionPoint)e.nextElement();
     if (dp.containsUriDpName()) {
       // download crl
       X509CRL crl = dp.loadCrl();

IAIK-JCE also contains command line utilities (see sub-directory
cmd/ldapSearch of the IAIK-JCE distribution) for searching an LDAP directory for certificates, attribute certificates and certificate revocation lists.

See also tech tip “LDAP for the Java™ NET URL framework” Part 1 and Part 2 .

This program also may be used to benchmark other JCA/JCE providers, like the default Sun provider for MD5 and SHA-1 hashes or the SunJCE provider.

The results below have been obtained on an Intel(R) Core(TM)i5 2540M 2.60 GHz (running in turbo mode at 3.3GHz), 8.00 GB RAM running Windows 7 Enterprise (64 Bit) and Ubuntu Linux 11.10/amd64 network connected with standard services active. The tests were done on IAIK JCE 5.0 release with JDK 1.6.0, each test for 3.0 seconds.

Results for Windows7/x64 and 64-bit VM:

 Security provider: IAIK, version 5.01
 Java VM: Sun Microsystems Inc., version 1.7.0_01, JIT
 OS: Windows 7/amd64, version 6.1The ‘numbers’
are in 1000s of bytes per second processed.

type              8 bytes    64 bytes   256 bytes  1024 bytes  8192 bytes   
md2               8192.8k     8361.8k     8328.8k     8367.4k     8368.8k   
md5             192768.8k   278787.2k   299987.1k   308221.9k   310547.8k   
sha1            131748.4k   178218.1k   181367.1k   180751.9k   174020.8k   
sha224           92638.3k   111189.5k   113375.8k   114167.3k   113953.4k   
sha256           93090.7k   108834.0k   112697.8k   113722.4k   114043.1k   
sha384          128688.7k   164949.4k   170873.2k   171309.9k   171457.9k   
sha512          130878.8k   164634.2k   169945.4k   170414.5k   171128.7k   
ripe md128      146981.0k   204095.7k   204572.0k   204929.2k   207050.0k   
ripe md160       81875.8k   105747.6k   106845.8k   106367.4k   106700.0k   
ripe md256      143191.8k   197190.0k   197856.2k   199598.3k   201015.5k   
ripe md320       82946.9k    97874.1k    99081.7k    99863.6k    99979.9k   
whirlpool        22848.2k    26719.6k    26641.5k    26676.3k    26426.0k   
aes cbc              n/a    104703.3k   109686.7k   110553.5k   111307.7k   
aes gcm              n/a     47072.2k    48876.1k    45624.4k    47391.1k   
aes ccm              n/a     37161.4k    39320.9k    38398.4k    38792.7k   
des cbc          45501.5k    51692.5k    52308.7k    52770.5k    52533.8k   
rc2 cbc          34764.1k    37557.7k    38205.0k    38238.9k    38217.5k   
blowfish cbc     64908.8k    74834.3k    78109.4k    78271.8k    78840.1k   
rc5 cbc          66286.7k    79032.8k    81391.9k    78292.6k    82015.2k   
gost cbc         37226.2k    40858.4k    41593.7k    41875.8k    41778.9k   
cast128 cbc      58399.8k    66593.6k    68516.5k    68696.7k    69083.7k   
rc6 cbc              n/a     90648.9k    91982.9k    92758.2k    92704.8k   
mars cbc             n/a     78499.2k    81449.8k    80043.7k    81199.0k   
twofish cbc          n/a     83585.2k    85332.4k    85644.6k    86694.8k   
arcfour         148935.0k   252969.5k   264484.7k   284319.3k   285884.7k   
serpent cbc          n/a     50064.3k    53411.5k    53415.3k    53600.3k   
rijndael-256 cbc     n/a     71354.6k    74097.3k    74019.1k    74816.2k   
camellia cbc         n/a     71468.5k    73533.3k    73922.5k    74503.3k   
rsa 512  bit private key             0.309 ms
rsa 512  bit public key (2^16 +1)    0.024 ms
rsa 1024 bit private key             1.448 ms
rsa 1024 bit public key (2^16 +1)    0.066 ms
rsa 2048 bit private key             8.115 ms
rsa 2048 bit public key (2^16 +1)    0.225 ms
rsa 4096 bit private key            55.759 ms
rsa 4096 bit public key (2^16 +1)    0.834 ms
 Security provider: IAIK, version 5.01 (with AES addon)
 Java VM: Sun Microsystems Inc., version 1.7.0_01, JIT
 OS: Windows 7/amd64, version 6.1The ‘numbers’
are in 1000s of bytes per second processed.

type              8 bytes    64 bytes   256 bytes  1024 bytes  8192 bytes   
md2               8186.1k     8276.6k     8292.4k     8320.8k     8308.9k   
md5             194896.0k   297683.1k   307329.9k   309925.1k   309717.9k   
sha1            133692.3k   177186.7k   180563.7k   181079.3k   181655.0k   
sha224           92125.6k   110622.5k   113042.4k   114933.8k   112418.9k   
sha256           93814.0k   110153.5k   113298.2k   114672.6k   114908.3k   
sha384          130208.5k   166805.7k   160485.8k   171432.4k   169314.0k   
sha512          130768.5k   164233.4k   169897.2k   170384.2k   170603.6k   
ripe md128      147508.0k   202093.8k   203951.1k   205582.8k   203752.5k   
ripe md160       87422.6k   105639.0k   105817.8k   106642.2k   106972.1k   
ripe md256      145238.0k   192878.3k   196550.1k   197925.8k   199268.8k   
ripe md320       87399.8k   102687.1k   100944.2k   102346.2k    97338.1k   
whirlpool        20088.6k    25927.7k    26547.9k    26761.3k    26649.1k   
aes cbc              n/a    163261.0k   326741.5k   490796.6k   570920.6k   
aes gcm              n/a     47103.8k    48320.8k    46011.0k    47410.7k   
aes ccm              n/a     37366.7k    39127.2k    38821.9k    39561.5k   
des cbc          46504.8k    52049.1k    53410.0k    53529.5k    53284.7k   
rc2 cbc          33437.0k    37142.4k    38048.0k    38268.8k    38261.0k   
blowfish cbc     65475.8k    77140.6k    79923.4k    80948.4k    81413.9k   
rc5 cbc          66750.8k    82410.6k    85805.7k    86510.8k    86686.6k   
gost cbc         39299.1k    43802.9k    44716.4k    44873.0k    45013.8k   
cast128 cbc      55421.2k    65639.5k    67577.5k    67988.7k    67494.8k   
rc6 cbc              n/a     91000.4k    92971.7k    88395.5k    93790.3k   
mars cbc             n/a     77938.2k    80620.3k    80840.9k    81413.9k   
twofish cbc          n/a     82801.9k    85394.4k    84413.8k    85397.0k   
arcfour         152430.8k   255504.2k   281974.4k   286814.2k   284818.2k   
serpent cbc          n/a     49235.5k    53060.6k    53073.1k    53077.9k   
rijndael-256 cbc     n/a     69108.3k    73627.0k    73466.8k    73630.0k   
camellia cbc         n/a     69944.4k    72135.6k    67346.6k    73276.3k   
rsa 512  bit private key             0.370 ms
rsa 512  bit public key (2^16 +1)    0.024 ms
rsa 1024 bit private key             1.446 ms
rsa 1024 bit public key (2^16 +1)    0.066 ms
rsa 2048 bit private key             8.050 ms
rsa 2048 bit public key (2^16 +1)    0.223 ms
rsa 4096 bit private key            55.599 ms
rsa 4096 bit public key (2^16 +1)    0.826 ms


Results for Windows7/x64 and 32-bit VM:

 Security provider: IAIK, version 5.01
 Java VM: Sun Microsystems Inc., version 1.7.0, JIT
 OS: Windows 7/x86, version 6.1The ‘numbers’
are in 1000s of bytes per second processed.

type              8 bytes    64 bytes   256 bytes  1024 bytes  8192 bytes   
md2               7774.5k     7881.9k     7925.5k     7908.0k     7909.0k   
md5             171882.2k   245575.6k   264835.0k   269613.6k   271590.2k   
sha1            120515.3k   144979.5k   164770.3k   164323.9k   166476.3k   
sha224           72577.3k    84347.5k    85443.8k    84795.4k    85184.8k   
sha256           68138.6k    83742.6k    84524.9k    84298.2k    83919.7k   
sha384           31501.7k    33904.5k    33929.0k    34311.3k    34209.9k   
sha512           31645.3k    33714.4k    33814.7k    34377.2k    33981.4k   
ripe md128      125691.1k   169376.1k   171722.9k   172169.3k   171436.1k   
ripe md160       93459.2k   116264.1k   116800.7k   118136.8k   118818.0k   
ripe md256      123595.7k   160494.2k   169136.9k   168605.6k   169711.2k   
ripe md320       91941.3k   114195.7k   116037.5k   116498.9k   117327.0k   
whirlpool        18850.7k    19818.2k    19785.2k    19849.4k    19833.8k   
aes cbc              n/a     70377.6k    72619.8k    73566.7k    73779.7k   
aes gcm              n/a     25391.6k    25416.8k    25976.6k    26293.3k   
aes ccm              n/a     24322.0k    25035.0k    24973.0k    25808.0k   
des cbc          32244.7k    36594.5k    37615.9k    37876.4k    37956.3k   
rc2 cbc          30393.1k    34085.6k    34889.7k    34687.1k    34990.8k   
blowfish cbc     48282.5k    58331.5k    59988.8k    60680.2k    60611.5k   
rc5 cbc          45844.3k    56464.8k    58255.0k    58278.8k    58908.3k   
gost cbc         32375.6k    37288.9k    38109.2k    35691.7k    38649.3k   
cast128 cbc      41960.0k    52945.9k    54240.5k    54363.1k    54880.9k   
rc6 cbc              n/a     70250.6k    72971.9k    73694.3k    73659.9k   
mars cbc             n/a     59707.3k    61145.5k    61575.7k    61709.4k   
twofish cbc          n/a     69657.0k    72412.4k    73484.8k    73888.5k   
arcfour          77074.4k   122718.0k   132467.8k   134102.5k   134671.4k   
serpent cbc          n/a     39023.5k    39972.0k    37220.7k    39605.0k   
rijndael-256 cbc     n/a     57642.5k    59913.0k    60327.5k    60850.9k   
camellia cbc         n/a     48140.4k    49426.2k    49791.3k    50185.8k   
rsa 512  bit private key             0.943 ms
rsa 512  bit public key (2^16 +1)    0.077 ms
rsa 1024 bit private key             5.282 ms
rsa 1024 bit public key (2^16 +1)    0.259 ms
rsa 2048 bit private key            34.397 ms
rsa 2048 bit public key (2^16 +1)    0.957 ms
rsa 4096 bit private key           246.000 ms
rsa 4096 bit public key (2^16 +1)    3.685 ms
 Security provider: IAIK, version 5.01 (with AES addon)
 Java VM: Sun Microsystems Inc., version 1.7.0, JIT
 OS: Windows 7/x86, version 6.1The ‘numbers’
are in 1000s of bytes per second processed.

type              8 bytes    64 bytes   256 bytes  1024 bytes  8192 bytes   
md2               7745.9k     7805.1k     7866.7k     7877.4k     7881.8k   
md5             169483.8k   258748.7k   267118.0k   268694.0k   268926.6k   
sha1            121917.7k   164900.0k   167138.3k   167731.2k   168533.1k   
sha224           71909.7k    84566.7k    85486.3k    85113.0k    85456.8k   
sha256           72745.7k    84280.3k    78504.0k    85535.4k    84874.6k   
sha384           31642.9k    33985.7k    34220.8k    34389.1k    34294.3k   
sha512           31898.9k    33875.8k    34239.9k    34446.3k    34316.0k   
ripe md128      126060.4k   169366.4k   172089.8k   172652.3k   173139.3k   
ripe md160       93140.6k   116492.3k   117037.7k   117702.8k   119068.3k   
ripe md256      123817.0k   166513.2k   170014.0k   170803.9k   164454.8k   
ripe md320       91572.1k   112127.3k   115389.1k   116275.5k   116908.0k   
whirlpool        18882.8k    19888.2k    19839.3k    19850.8k    19956.2k   
aes cbc              n/a     76694.7k   155416.7k   349515.5k   520000.1k   
aes gcm              n/a     25321.9k    25524.3k    25610.7k    26539.6k   
aes ccm              n/a     24460.8k    25289.7k    25360.1k    25427.9k   
des cbc          32389.8k    35310.1k    37647.3k    38046.8k    38242.0k   
rc2 cbc          30618.7k    34714.9k    35310.4k    35132.9k    35349.9k   
blowfish cbc     47507.0k    58538.2k    60084.2k    60974.0k    60908.1k   
rc5 cbc          45850.7k    56426.6k    58797.7k    59504.5k    58149.3k   
gost cbc         32309.1k    37413.3k    38156.0k    38422.9k    38271.9k   
cast128 cbc      43636.0k    50771.7k    53521.5k    54698.1k    54579.7k   
rc6 cbc              n/a     69451.4k    72207.0k    73344.7k    73834.1k   
mars cbc             n/a     58796.5k    60591.9k    60795.1k    61082.2k   
twofish cbc          n/a     68775.4k    72478.7k    73572.9k    73763.3k   
arcfour          91715.6k   154340.5k   157259.0k   165858.7k   170162.8k   
serpent cbc          n/a     38782.6k    39749.6k    40038.7k    39871.7k   
rijndael-256 cbc     n/a     58765.7k    56869.4k    62217.4k    62341.9k   
camellia cbc         n/a     49482.5k    50792.0k    51140.4k    51135.3k   
rsa 512  bit private key             0.931 ms
rsa 512  bit public key (2^16 +1)    0.075 ms
rsa 1024 bit private key             5.218 ms
rsa 1024 bit public key (2^16 +1)    0.256 ms
rsa 2048 bit private key            33.831 ms
rsa 2048 bit public key (2^16 +1)    0.938 ms
rsa 4096 bit private key           244.846 ms
rsa 4096 bit public key (2^16 +1)    3.623 ms

Results for Ubuntu Linux 11.10/amd64 and 64-bit VM:

Security provider: IAIK, version 5.01
Java VM: Sun Microsystems Inc., version 1.6.0_23, JIT
OS: Linux/amd64, version 3.0.0-14-genericThe ‘numbers’
are in 1000s of bytes per second processed.

type               8 bytes   64 bytes   256 bytes   1024 bytes   8192 bytes   
md2               8236.0k     8322.3k     8396.9k     8386.5k     8347.5k   
md5             200893.0k   302100.4k   310835.1k   313921.5k   313638.9k   
sha1            131815.3k   174837.6k   176549.9k   178310.8k   178853.2k   
sha224           91425.2k   110981.9k   111590.7k   112523.6k   112902.1k   
sha256           92974.0k   110711.5k   111650.3k   111594.1k   112164.8k   
sha384          126978.0k   165760.8k   171397.4k   171090.9k   172569.9k   
sha512          132950.3k   165426.8k   171347.0k   171213.4k   172367.8k   
ripe md128      150315.3k   203312.5k   206315.3k   207510.5k   207541.5k   
ripe md160       82350.6k    96687.2k    97386.4k    97715.5k    97525.7k   
ripe md256      145574.3k   185433.1k   195366.7k   198403.0k   199240.3k   
ripe md320       81370.7k    95493.2k    94723.9k    96071.4k    96266.9k   
whirlpool        29228.9k    41794.9k    41804.8k    42024.9k    42109.6k   
aes cbc              n/a    102938.4k   109955.2k   111000.5k   111392.0k   
aes gcm              n/a     47065.2k    48433.2k    48786.5k    48859.9k   
aes ccm              n/a     37085.9k    40440.3k    39611.5k    39653.5k   
des cbc          45203.2k    50808.8k    52400.2k    52482.0k    52228.4k   
rc2 cbc          34699.1k    37845.5k    38228.7k    38521.5k    38469.6k   
blowfish cbc     58037.8k    67607.6k    69156.4k    69793.7k    69976.0k   
rc5 cbc          69334.6k    84703.3k    87511.0k    88754.5k    88307.6k   
gost cbc         31446.2k    34583.7k    35014.5k    35003.7k    35159.2k   
cast128 cbc      56889.1k    66440.8k    68167.1k    68507.9k    68949.3k   
rc6 cbc              n/a     87897.3k    90236.8k    91657.2k    91335.3k   
mars cbc             n/a     78245.4k    81238.2k    81473.8k    82070.1k   
twofish cbc          n/a     83661.0k    85644.4k    86681.7k    86499.3k   
arcfour         157530.5k   282012.5k   305346.7k   311394.3k   318327.8k   
serpent cbc          n/a     48921.1k    53738.7k    53887.1k    54010.9k   
rijndael-256 cbc     n/a     71919.5k    74154.2k    74159.6k    74918.1k   
camellia cbc         n/a     70834.4k    72754.0k    73924.9k    74006.4k   
rsa 512  bit private key             0.327 ms
rsa 512  bit public key (2^16 +1)    0.034 ms
rsa 1024 bit private key             1.437 ms
rsa 1024 bit public key (2^16 +1)    0.085 ms
rsa 2048 bit private key             7.973 ms
rsa 2048 bit public key (2^16 +1)    0.257 ms
rsa 4096 bit private key            53.210 ms
rsa 4096 bit public key (2^16 +1)    0.873 ms
Security provider: IAIK, version 5.01 (with AES addon)
Java VM: Sun Microsystems Inc., version 1.6.0_23, JIT
OS: Linux/amd64, version 3.0.0-14-genericThe ‘numbers’
are in 1000s of bytes per second processed.

type               8 bytes   64 bytes   256 bytes   1024 bytes   8192 bytes   
md2               8240.1k     8356.1k     8389.8k     8367.1k     8402.1k   
md5             200615.5k   285807.1k   307981.6k   313814.0k   313942.0k   
sha1            132045.8k   174409.8k   177720.2k   178468.0k   178413.5k   
sha224           90700.4k   111554.9k   111726.4k   112596.3k   112347.8k   
sha256           92736.0k   111675.9k   111847.0k   112741.0k   112905.4k   
sha384          130648.6k   163098.0k   168191.6k   171061.2k   172474.3k   
sha512          131690.2k   162739.2k   168391.5k   169603.4k   171338.4k   
ripe md128      148196.9k   194506.1k   204275.4k   205884.0k   208112.2k   
ripe md160       81362.3k    96420.2k    97392.0k    97101.8k    97954.4k   
ripe md256      146730.9k   196365.8k   198911.4k   200342.5k   200518.3k   
ripe md320       81581.5k    95425.3k    96213.7k    96698.3k    96526.3k   
whirlpool        29832.1k    42052.8k    41802.5k    41990.4k    41869.3k   
aes cbc              n/a    213282.8k   424044.2k   546418.6k   593420.2k   
aes gcm              n/a     47007.2k    48171.0k    48504.4k    49076.4k   
aes ccm              n/a     37497.2k    39250.8k    39474.4k    39534.8k   
des cbc          47209.0k    51961.1k    53043.5k    53127.5k    51876.2k   
rc2 cbc          35272.0k    37791.1k    38388.9k    38582.9k    38491.4k   
blowfish cbc     58732.5k    68587.4k    69673.5k    70517.7k    70579.5k   
rc5 cbc          72282.8k    85963.0k    88641.5k    88909.1k    89388.3k   
gost cbc         31690.4k    34705.9k    35284.6k    34957.9k    35394.9k   
cast128 cbc      57858.7k    66357.3k    68378.0k    68814.8k    68506.9k   
rc6 cbc              n/a     89383.5k    90965.6k    92157.9k    91873.2k   
mars cbc             n/a     78277.5k    81047.8k    81582.4k    81510.4k   
twofish cbc          n/a     83700.7k    85169.4k    86283.6k    86343.6k   
arcfour         153854.9k   247516.6k   276623.3k   283919.7k   286067.3k   
serpent cbc          n/a     49861.1k    53550.5k    53803.0k    53661.5k   
rijndael-256 cbc     n/a     72108.5k    74293.0k    74430.8k    74866.3k   
camellia cbc         n/a     70028.1k    72900.9k    73359.7k    73176.5k   
rsa 512  bit private key             0.331 ms
rsa 512  bit public key (2^16 +1)    0.034 ms
rsa 1024 bit private key             1.433 ms
rsa 1024 bit public key (2^16 +1)    0.085 ms
rsa 2048 bit private key             7.934 ms
rsa 2048 bit public key (2^16 +1)    0.256 ms
rsa 4096 bit private key            52.789 ms
rsa 4096 bit public key (2^16 +1)    0.870 ms

Results for Ubuntu Linux 11.10/amd64 and 32-bit VM:

Security provider: IAIK, version 5.01
Java VM: Sun Microsystems Inc., version 1.6.0_25, JIT
OS: Linux/i386, version 3.0.0-14-genericThe ‘numbers’
are in 1000s of bytes per second processed.

type               8 bytes   64 bytes   256 bytes   1024 bytes   8192 bytes   
md2               8123.2k     8323.6k     8334.8k     8300.5k     8314.8k   
md5             163998.5k   280917.1k   290870.5k   292294.9k   293718.6k   
sha1            114625.3k   161941.3k   165003.4k   165266.7k   166488.7k   
sha224           79338.9k    99172.1k    99858.2k   101340.5k   101086.5k   
sha256           81325.2k    99121.9k   100820.9k   101279.4k   100951.8k   
sha384           45611.7k    53295.1k    53973.7k    54096.8k    52244.8k   
sha512           49214.6k    53348.5k    53898.5k    54094.8k    54160.0k   
ripe md128      133182.6k   183257.6k   184231.4k   185255.9k   185685.3k   
ripe md160       67132.4k    76492.9k    78156.6k    78592.3k    79026.4k   
ripe md256      128659.5k   172585.8k   175225.0k   176485.7k   175946.4k   
ripe md320       62078.6k    71091.0k    71843.0k    72224.7k    71862.9k   
whirlpool        11485.9k    22302.7k    22122.4k    22390.1k    22112.9k   
aes cbc              n/a     86624.4k    90797.0k    91254.1k    91657.0k   
aes gcm              n/a     31214.2k    31707.1k    31846.4k    31673.0k   
aes ccm              n/a     28844.9k    31227.8k    31362.1k    31164.5k   
des cbc          40946.6k    45942.3k    47072.7k    47101.6k    47325.1k   
rc2 cbc          30166.2k    33607.8k    34285.3k    34455.8k    34349.0k   
blowfish cbc     41867.3k    48407.3k    49830.3k    50254.8k    50154.1k   
rc5 cbc          60944.0k    75899.5k    77879.2k    79369.8k    78700.5k   
gost cbc         27987.0k    31404.5k    31813.4k    32105.1k    32082.8k   
cast128 cbc      49533.4k    60321.7k    62051.2k    62795.7k    62852.6k   
rc6 cbc              n/a     74263.6k    77131.6k    78049.2k    78084.6k   
mars cbc             n/a     66706.6k    69652.6k    70404.7k    70478.5k   
twofish cbc          n/a     74914.6k    77963.7k    78634.7k    78900.8k   
arcfour          94164.4k   165045.9k   181442.9k   186806.9k   185222.1k   
serpent cbc          n/a     47466.0k    50887.5k    51566.5k    51638.8k   
rijndael-256 cbc     n/a     61845.7k    65315.7k    65909.7k    64782.3k   
camellia cbc         n/a     59095.5k    61602.4k    61722.8k    61919.0k   
rsa 512  bit private key             0.540 ms
rsa 512  bit public key (2^16 +1)    0.054 ms
rsa 1024 bit private key             2.541 ms
rsa 1024 bit public key (2^16 +1)    0.152 ms
rsa 2048 bit private key            15.842 ms
rsa 2048 bit public key (2^16 +1)    0.509 ms
rsa 4096 bit private key           113.629 ms
rsa 4096 bit public key (2^16 +1)    1.842 ms
Security provider: IAIK, version 5.01 (with AES addon)
Java VM: Sun Microsystems Inc., version 1.6.0_23, JIT
OS: Linux/amd64, version 3.0.0-14-genericThe ‘numbers’
are in 1000s of bytes per second processed.

type               8 bytes   64 bytes   256 bytes   1024 bytes   8192 bytes   
md2               8140.4k     8322.7k     8333.1k     8327.5k     8331.2k   
md5             164416.9k   281184.4k   290190.5k   292677.9k   294548.8k   
sha1            113844.2k   161927.9k   164697.7k   165188.6k   166283.9k   
sha224           78332.7k    99790.5k   100921.1k   100834.6k   101520.7k   
sha256           79921.3k    95432.8k    99465.9k   100059.8k   100963.6k   
sha384           45961.4k    53365.5k    54081.3k    54155.6k    53980.9k   
sha512           48953.9k    53315.5k    54106.7k    54083.9k    53937.2k   
ripe md128      132593.1k   182542.4k   183173.3k   184803.3k   184486.5k   
ripe md160       66327.9k    76120.5k    77479.6k    78453.7k    78727.8k   
ripe md256      127782.8k   174707.8k   175121.7k   176989.5k   177430.5k   
ripe md320       60981.3k    71265.3k    71368.5k    71416.4k    71761.9k   
whirlpool        11451.8k    22391.0k    22411.3k    22330.0k    22418.7k   
aes cbc              n/a    197636.5k   392540.5k   533565.0k   589840.3k   
aes gcm              n/a     31917.9k    31893.3k    31809.4k    31747.9k   
aes ccm              n/a     28073.2k    31412.8k    31635.4k    31335.4k   
des cbc          43596.4k    47793.5k    48235.2k    48693.4k    48810.7k   
rc2 cbc          31506.0k    34358.7k    34414.0k    34882.2k    34891.7k   
blowfish cbc     44011.2k    51104.8k    52252.5k    51456.3k    52662.4k   
rc5 cbc          57674.5k    66731.0k    68554.4k    68882.0k    68476.9k   
gost cbc         29352.2k    32181.8k    32606.2k    32797.6k    32680.6k   
cast128 cbc      53401.3k    61587.8k    63050.9k    63672.6k    63824.4k   
rc6 cbc              n/a     79707.4k    81850.3k    82350.7k    82741.6k   
mars cbc             n/a     69498.9k    69516.4k    72093.6k    72433.6k   
twofish cbc          n/a     77930.9k    80370.9k    81131.8k    80863.2k   
arcfour         110587.0k   180509.5k   196470.2k   203962.7k   203833.3k   
serpent cbc          n/a     48094.3k    51911.0k    51978.2k    52262.2k   
rijndael-256 cbc     n/a     62717.2k    64887.3k    65800.8k    65828.1k   
camellia cbc         n/a     59323.2k    61237.4k    61360.4k    61718.5k   
rsa 512  bit private key             0.535 ms
rsa 512  bit public key (2^16 +1)    0.054 ms
rsa 1024 bit private key             2.544 ms
rsa 1024 bit public key (2^16 +1)    0.152 ms
rsa 2048 bit private key            15.826 ms
rsa 2048 bit public key (2^16 +1)    0.507 ms
rsa 4096 bit private key           113.370 ms
rsa 4096 bit public key (2^16 +1)    1.849 ms
IAIK-JCE 6.1 – 28. August 2023
Class or Package Bug / Change / New Feature Description and Examples
iaik.asn1.structures.AlgorithmID C

Checks all registered implementation names when instantiating a JCA/JCE engine.

iaik.pkcs.pkcs5.PBMAC1ParameterSpec, iaik.pkcs.pkcs5.PBKDF2PBMAC1ParameterSpec, iaik.pkcs.pkcs5.PBMAC1Parameters NF

AlgorithmParameters and AlgorithmParameterSpec implementations for the PKCS#5 password-based PBMAC1 Message Authentication Scheme.

iaik.pkcs.pkcs12.PKCS12KeyStore C

JKS KeyStore fall back mechanism enabled by default. Explicitly call PKCS12KeyStore.setUSEJKSFallBack(false); if you want to disable it.

iaik.pkcs.pkcs12 NF

Support for parsing and verification of PKCS#12 objects and key stores that use the PKCS#5 v2.1 password-based PBMAC1 Message Authentication Scheme for protecting the intergrity of the PKCS#12 file as specified in draft-ietf-lamps-pkcs12-pbmac1-02. Generation of PBMAC1 protected PKCS#12 objects / key stores is currently disabled because the specification (draft-ietf-lamps-pkcs12-pbmac1-02) has not been finalized yet.

iaik.security.cipher.AESCBCCMac128, iaik.security.cipher.AESCBCCMac192, iaik.security.cipher.AESCBCCMac256, NF, C

Additional associated data alternatively may be supplied by calling cipher.updateAAD().

iaik.security.cipher.ChaCha20Poly1305 B

Fixed reset of aad buffer.

iaik.security.mac.PBMAC1 NF

Mac engine for password-based PBMAC1 Message Authentication Scheme as specified by PKCS#5 v2.1 (RFC 8018).

iaik.security.mac NF

SecretKeyFactories for HMAC algorithms added.

iaik.x509.extensions.etsi.QcCClegislation NF

Implementation of the ETSI EN 319 412-1 ValidityAssuredShortTermCerts certificate extension.

iaik.x509.extensions.qualified.structures.etsi.QcCClegislation NF

Implementation of the ETSI EN 319 412-5 QCStatements QCStatementInfo.

IAIK-JCE 6.0 – 23. December 2022
Class or Package Bug / Change / New Feature Description and Examples
* NF

Jar file signed with new JCE provider certificate.


Added IDs for key agreement schemes dhSinglePass-stdDH-sha224kdf-scheme, dhSinglePass-stdDH-sha512kdf-scheme, dhSinglePass-cofactorDH-sha224kdf-scheme, dhSinglePass-cofactorDH-sha256kdf-scheme, dhSinglePass-cofactorDH-sha384kdf-scheme, dhSinglePass-cofactorDH-sha512kdf-scheme added.

iaik.asn1.structures.AlgorithmID C

Ensure to not encode parameters field as NULL for CMS AES key wrap ciphers, encode parameters field as NULL for CMS DES-EDE key wrap cipher.

iaik.pkcs.pkcs10.CertificateRequest NF

New sign() methods allowing to specify signature algorithm parameters.

iaik.pkcs.pkcs12.P12KeyStore NF

Automatically plugged in for JDK versions >= Java 8 to allow the usage of protection parameters to specify different than the default algorithms when adding key/certificate entries to a or/and storing a particular PKCS#12 KeyStore.

iaik.security.dsa NF, C

For deterministic DSA signatures the signature value is now verified immediately after creation as countermeasure against fault attacks. The check can be generally en/disabled for all (deterministic and non deterministic) DSA signatures by using the static method DSA.setDoVerifySignature().

iaik.security.kdf.KDF1 NF

Implementation of Key Derivation Function (KDF) 1 as specified by ISO/IEC 18033-2.

iaik.security.kdf.KDF2 NF

Implementation of Key Derivation Function (KDF) 2 as specified by ANS X9.44.

iaik.security.kdf.KDF3 NF

Implementation of Key Derivation Function (KDF) 3 as specified by ANS X9.44.

iaik.security.rsa.RsaKem NF

Implementation of the RSA-KEM Key Encapsulation Mechanism as specified by RFC 5990 and ISO/IEC 18033-2.

iaik.utils.Base64OutputStream NF

Support for Base64Url encoding added.

iaik.utils.Util NF

Added testCreateRsaPssParameters(), createRsaPssAlgorithmID() to generate RSA PSS parameters and AlgorithmIDs from hash algorithm and salt length.

iaik.utils.Util NF

Added testCreateRsaOaepParameters(), createRsaOaepAlgorithmID() to generate RSA OAEP parameters and AlgorithmIDs from hash algorithm and label value.

iaik.x509.X509Certificate NF

Method setVersion added.

iaik.x509.X509CRL NF

Overrides method getRevokedCertificate(java.security.cert.X509Certificate). Tries to convert Principal objects to iaik.asn1.structures.Name objects.

iaik.x509.attr.ACRL C

Overrides method getRevokedCertificate(java.security.cert.X509Certificate). to throw a NoSuchMethodError (attribute certificates are no public key certificates).

iaik.x509.X509Certificate, iaik.x509.X509CRL, iaik.x509.attr.AttributeCertificate, iaik.x509.attr.ACRL, iaik.x509.ocsp.BasicOCSPResponse, iaik.x509.ocsp.OCSPRequest NF

New sign() methods allowing to specify signature algorithm parameters.

IAIK-JCE 5.63 – 23. December 2021
IAIK-JCE 5.62 – 1. December 2020
IAIK-JCE 5.61 – 7. June 2020
IAIK-JCE 5.60 – 6. August 2019
IAIK-JCE 5.52 – 9. August 2018
IAIK-JCE 5.51 – 23. September 2017
IAIK-JCE 5.5 – 19. August 2017
IAIK-JCE 5.4 – 28. June 2017
IAIK-JCE 5.3 – 23. December 2015
IAIK-JCE 5.25 – 5. March 2015
IAIK-JCE 5.24 – 22. December 2014
IAIK-JCE 5.2 – 31. October 2013
IAIK-JCE 5.1 – 28. March 2013
IAIK-JCE 5.01 – 16. January 2012
IAIK-JCE 5.0 – 23. December 2011
IAIK-JCE 4.0 – 4. November 2010
IAIK-JCE 3.181 – 28. September 2009

Problem: When connecting to a TLS/HTTPS server using JSSE with IAIK as first provider the connection fails with an exception saying that that the trust store cannot be accessed because of a KeyStore parsing error. A typical exception stacktrace may look like:

    Exception in thread "main" java.net.SocketException: java.security.NoSuchAlgorithmException: Error constructing implementation (algorithm: Default, provider: SunJSSE, class: sun.security.ssl.SSLContextImpl$DefaultSSLContext)
			at java.base/javax.net.ssl.DefaultSSLSocketFactory.throwException(SSLSocketFactory.java:263)
			at java.base/javax.net.ssl.DefaultSSLSocketFactory.createSocket(SSLSocketFactory.java:270)
			at java.base/sun.net.www.protocol.https.HttpsClient.createSocket(HttpsClient.java:413)
			at java.base/sun.net.NetworkClient.doConnect(NetworkClient.java:162)
			at java.base/sun.net.www.http.HttpClient.openServer(HttpClient.java:474)
			at java.base/sun.net.www.http.HttpClient.openServer(HttpClient.java:569)
			at java.base/sun.net.www.protocol.https.HttpsClient.(HttpsClient.java:265)
			at java.base/sun.net.www.protocol.https.HttpsClient.New(HttpsClient.java:372)
			at java.base/sun.net.www.protocol.https.AbstractDelegateHttpsURLConnection.getNewHttpClient(AbstractDelegateHttpsURLConnection.java:191)
			at java.base/sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.plainConnect0(HttpURLConnection.java:1181)
			at java.base/sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.plainConnect(HttpURLConnection.java:1075)
			at java.base/sun.net.www.protocol.https.AbstractDelegateHttpsURLConnection.connect(AbstractDelegateHttpsURLConnection.java:177)
			at java.base/sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.getInputStream0(HttpURLConnection.java:1581)
			at java.base/sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.getInputStream(HttpURLConnection.java:1509)
			at java.base/sun.net.www.protocol.https.HttpsURLConnectionImpl.getInputStream(HttpsURLConnectionImpl.java:245)
			at java.base/java.net.URL.openStream(URL.java:1117)
		Caused by: java.security.NoSuchAlgorithmException: Error constructing implementation (algorithm: Default, provider: SunJSSE, class: sun.security.ssl.SSLContextImpl$DefaultSSLContext)
			at java.base/java.security.Provider$Service.newInstance(Provider.java:1831)
			at java.base/sun.security.jca.GetInstance.getInstance(GetInstance.java:236)
			at java.base/sun.security.jca.GetInstance.getInstance(GetInstance.java:164)
			at java.base/javax.net.ssl.SSLContext.getInstance(SSLContext.java:168)
			at java.base/javax.net.ssl.SSLContext.getDefault(SSLContext.java:99)
			at java.base/javax.net.ssl.SSLSocketFactory.getDefault(SSLSocketFactory.java:123)
			at java.base/javax.net.ssl.HttpsURLConnection.getDefaultSSLSocketFactory(HttpsURLConnection.java:335)
			at java.base/javax.net.ssl.HttpsURLConnection.(HttpsURLConnection.java:292)
			at java.base/sun.net.www.protocol.https.HttpsURLConnectionImpl.(HttpsURLConnectionImpl.java:95)
			at java.base/sun.net.www.protocol.https.Handler.openConnection(Handler.java:62)
			at java.base/sun.net.www.protocol.https.Handler.openConnection(Handler.java:57)
			at java.base/java.net.URL.openConnection(URL.java:1051)
			... 2 more
		Caused by: java.security.KeyStoreException: problem accessing trust store
			at java.base/sun.security.ssl.TrustManagerFactoryImpl.engineInit(TrustManagerFactoryImpl.java:73)
			at java.base/javax.net.ssl.TrustManagerFactory.init(TrustManagerFactory.java:278)
			at java.base/sun.security.ssl.SSLContextImpl$DefaultManagersHolder.getTrustManagers(SSLContextImpl.java:1052)
			at java.base/sun.security.ssl.SSLContextImpl$DefaultManagersHolder.(SSLContextImpl.java:1022)
			at java.base/sun.security.ssl.SSLContextImpl$DefaultSSLContext.(SSLContextImpl.java:1197)
			at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method)
			at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.java:62)
			at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.java:45)
			at java.base/java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(Constructor.java:490)
			at java.base/java.security.Provider.newInstanceUtil(Provider.java:153)
			at java.base/java.security.Provider$Service.newInstance(Provider.java:1824)
			... 13 more
		Caused by: iaik.pkcs.pkcs12.PKCS12ParsingException: iaik.pkcs.PKCSParsingException: ASN.1 creation error: iaik.asn1.CodingException: Length: Too large ASN.1 object: 109
			at iaik.pkcs.pkcs12.PKCS12KeyStore.engineLoad(PKCS12KeyStore.java:362)
			at iaik.utils.UniveralKeyStore.engineLoad(UniveralKeyStore.java:935)
			at java.base/java.security.KeyStore.load(KeyStore.java:1479)
			at java.base/sun.security.ssl.TrustStoreManager$TrustAnchorManager.loadKeyStore(TrustStoreManager.java:365)
			at java.base/sun.security.ssl.TrustStoreManager$TrustAnchorManager.getTrustedCerts(TrustStoreManager.java:313)
			at java.base/sun.security.ssl.TrustStoreManager.getTrustedCerts(TrustStoreManager.java:55)
			at java.base/sun.security.ssl.TrustManagerFactoryImpl.engineInit(TrustManagerFactoryImpl.java:49)
			... 23 more

The root exception also may be “masked” causing an exception message like: ” Unable to execute HTTP request: No X509TrustManager implementation available”.

Solution: Oracle has changed the JDK default KeyStore format from “JKS” to “PKCS12”, but still uses the JKS format for its cacerts default KeyStore. When, for instance, an application uses JSSE to connect to some TLS/HTTPS server (and does not have explicitly set some trust store) JSSE tries to read the certificates from the default cacerts KeyStore by instantiating a KeyStore with the default format (“PKCS12”). When IAIK is installed as first provider the PKCS12 KeyStore of the IAIK provider is instantiated and tries to parse the cacerts KeyStore. This, however, must fail since cacerts is a JKS KeyStore which cannot be read by the IAIK PKCS12KeyStore (that, of course, expects a KeyStore in PKCS12 format). The TLS/HTTPS connection attempt will fail with an Exception saying that the trust store cannot be accessed because of a KeyStore parsing problem.

There are several work arounds for solving this problem (and keeping IAIK as first provider):

  • Explicitly use and specify your own trust store in PKCS#12 format.
  • Run the VM with the java -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStoreType (and maybe -Djavax.net.ssl.keyStoreType) option(s) to set jks as trust/keystore format to be used:
        java -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStoreType=jks -Djavax.net.ssl.keyStoreType=jks ...
  • Advise the IAIK PKCS12KeyStore to try to parse a JKS KeyStore if it fails to parse a PKCS#12 KeyStore by setting setUseJKSFallBack() to true:

Note that in the last case (using PKCS12KeyStore.setUSEJKSFallBack(true);) the IAIK PKCS12KeyStore will be advised to try the JKS format anytime it fails to parse a PKCS#12 KeyStore. This may cause some overhead. For that reason — and because you may not notice that you read a JKS KeyStore while you are expecting to read a PKCS#12 KeyStore — the JKS fallback mechanism is disabled by default and has to be explicitly enabled by calling PKCS12KeyStore.setUSEJKSFallBack(true);.

With JDK1.4 the JCE framework (JAVAX CRYPTO) has been incorporated into the standard JDK. Because of export regulations a JCE provider only maybe used with JDK1.4 (or JCE 1.2.1) if it is signed. IAIK-JCE provides signed and unsigned versions of its jar files (iaik_jce.jar, iaik_jce_full.jar). Using the unsigned version with JDK 1.4 will cause the ExceptionInInitializerError „Cannot set up certs for trusted CAs“. Please use the signed jar file. You also may ensure that the right JCE policy files are installed in the lib/security directory.

Due to a bug in the JDK jar file verification mechanism it may be necessary that the original SUN provider is installed as first provider. So insert the Stiftung SIC provider as second provider and explicitly request an IAIK engine when calling getInstance:

Security.insertProviderAt(new IAIK(), 2);
Cipher c = Cipher.getInstance("DES/CBC/PKCS5Padding", "IAIK");

Alternatively you may use static method addAsJDK14Provider of the IAIK-JCE provider main class. This method uses a work around that allows to use IAIK as first provider for JDK1.4, too:


JDK 1.5.0_02 and later already have fixed the jar file verification problem. For this versions the IAIK provider
can be installed as first provider in the convential way (or registered statically):

Security.insertProviderAt(new IAIK(), 1);

Due to import control restrictions of some countries, JDK1.4 per default comes with jurisdiction policy files allowing “strong” but limited cryptography; so keys that exceed the allowed strength are not allowed to be used by this policy. If you are entitled to do so, you may download and install an “unlimited strength” version of these files (http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.4/download.html)

To be compatible with the standard JDK certificate API we had to change method getExtensionValue to return the encoding of the OCTET STRING extnValue:


The value of the extnValue OCTET_STRING represents the DER encoding of the Extension in mind itself; so you may have to add a second decoding step, e.g.:

byte[] extnValueEnc = cert.getExtensionValue(); 
 OCTET_STRING extnValue = DerCoder.decode(extnValueEnc); 
 ASN1Object asn1Extension = DerCoder.decode(extnValue.getValue());

However, generally it might be more appropriate to call method getExtension immediately (except when forced to produce provider independent code):

BasicConstraints bc = (BasicConstraints)cert.getExtension(BasicConstraints.oid);

In practice PKCS#7 objects like SignedData or EnvelopedData are wrapped into a ContentInfo before transmission to tell the recipient the PKCS#7 content type (s)he has to deal with. When parsing your SignedData object you first have to unwrap the ContentInfo as shown in demo.pkcs.TestContentInfo, e.g.:

// the stream from which to read the PKCS#7 object InputStream is = ...;
// the stream from which to read the content in explicit mode InputStream message = ...;
// create the ContentInfo object
ContentInfoStream cis = new ContentInfoStream(is);
System.out.println("This ContentInfo holds content of type " + cis.getContentType().getName());
SignedDataStream signed_data = null;
if (message == null) {
  // implicitly signed; get the content
  signed_data = (SignedDataStream)cis.getContent();
} else {
  // explicitly signed; set the data stream for digesting the message;
  // we assume here that SHA-1 and MD5 have been used for digesting
  AlgorithmID[] algIDs = { AlgorithmID.sha1, AlgorithmID.md5 };
  signed_data = new SignedDataStream(message, algIDs);
// get an InputStream for reading the signed content
InputStream data = signed_data.getInputStream();
OutputStream os = ...;
StreamCopier sc = new StreamCopier(data, os);
if (message != null) {
  // if explicitly signed now decode the SignedData
// now you may verify the signature(s)
System.out.println("SignedData contains the following signer information:");
SignerInfo[] signer_infos = signed_data.getSignerInfos();
for (int i=0; i<signer_infos.length; i++) {
  try {
    // verify the signed data using the SignerInfo at index i
    X509Certificate signer_cert = signed_data.verify(i);
    // if the signature is OK the certificate of the signer is returned
    System.out.println("Signature OK from signer: "+signer_cert.getSubjectDN());
  } catch (SignatureException ex) {
    // if the signature is not OK a SignatureException is thrown
    System.out.println("Signature ERROR from signer: "+ signed_data.getCertificate(signer_infos[i].getIssuerAndSerialNumber()).getSubjectDN());

RFC2459 recommends to use UTF8String as default encoding. Where the character set is sufficient, PrintableString maybe used. For that reason IAIK-JCE uses PrintableString as default encoding for AVA string attribute values, but switches to UTF8String if the string value does contain non printable characters.

UTF8String, however, may not be handled by older versions of  certificate processing applications like Netscape 4.7. You either may switch do a more recent version of Netscape or use static method setNonPrintableDefaultEncoding of class AVA to change the default secondary encoding to be used for string values containing non printable characters, e.g.:


In explicit mode (where the content data is not included in the signature) we have observed that it might be necessary to apply “UnicodeLittleUnmarked” encoding to the data before verifying the Capicom signature, or to avoid using this encoding format right at the sender side as suggested in a former posting to this Newsgroup:

From the signing side (Capicom), the following code was used to read the file
 and avoid Unicode formatting:
 Dim objUtilities As New CAPICOM.Utilities
 Open strPathDocToBeSigned For Binary Access Read As #1
 ' Removing EOF
 ReDim abytFile(LOF(1) - 1)
 Get #1, , abytFile
 Close #1
 strFileContents = objUtilities.ByteArrayToBinaryString(abytFile)
 and after this the normal signing process of strFileContents.

However, with the following sample code you should be able to verify both, explicit and implicit signatures (use the stream based classes if you have to deal with big amounts of data):

  import java.io.IOException;
  import java.io.InputStream;
  import java.io.FileInputStream;
  import java.security.NoSuchAlgorithmException;
  import java.security.SignatureException;
  import iaik.asn1.CodingException;
  import iaik.asn1.ObjectID;
  import iaik.asn1.structures.AlgorithmID;
  import iaik.asn1.structures.Attribute;
  import iaik.asn1.structures.ChoiceOfTime;
  import iaik.pkcs.PKCSException;
  import iaik.pkcs.pkcs7.ContentInfo;
  import iaik.pkcs.pkcs7.SignedData;
  import iaik.pkcs.pkcs7.SignerInfo;
  import iaik.security.provider.IAIK;
  import iaik.utils.ASN1InputStream;
  import iaik.x509.X509Certificate;
  public class SignedDataParse {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
      InputStream is = null;
      try {
      byte[] data = null;
         // read in the PKCS#7 SignedData encoding
      is = new FileInputStream("...");
      uncomment the follwing line to supply the data in explicit mode;
      // data = "...".getBytes("UnicodeLittleUnmarked");
      ASN1InputStream asn1In = new ASN1InputStream(is);
      byte[] content = getSignedData(asn1In, data);
      uncomment the follwing if the data represents an (UnicodeLittleUnmarked) encoded string
  //String s1 = new String(content, "UnicodeLittleUnmarked");
  } catch (Exception ex) {
  } finally {
  if (is != null) {
    try {
      } catch (IOException ex) {
  * Parses a PKCS#7 SignedData object and verifies the signature.
  * @param is the input stream supplying the BER encoded PKCS#7 SignedData object.
  * @param message the content data supplied by other means (only required in explicit mode)
  * @return the content data
  * @exception PKCSException if an error occurs when parsing the SignedData
  * @exception IOException if an error occurs when reading from the stream
  static byte[] getSignedData(InputStream is, byte[] message) throws PKCSException, IOException {
  // create a content info from the encoding
      ContentInfo ci = new ContentInfo(is);
      System.out.println("This ContentInfo holds content of type " + ci.getContentType().getName());
      SignedData signed_data = null;
      if (message == null) {
        //in implicit mode we simply can get the content:
        signed_data = (SignedData)ci.getContent();
      } else {
        // explicitly signed; set the data for digesting the message; we assume SHA-1 and MD5
        AlgorithmID[] algIDs = { AlgorithmID.sha1, AlgorithmID.md5 };
        try {
          signed_data = new SignedData(message, algIDs);
          // now explicit decode the DER encoded signedData obtained from the contentInfo:
        } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException ex) {
          throw new PKCSException(ex.getMessage());
      System.out.println("SignedData contains the following signer information:");
      SignerInfo[] signer_infos = signed_data.getSignerInfos();
      for (int i=0; i<<<font  id="ezfont"><<font  id="ezfont">font  id="ezfont">font id='ezfont'</font>>signer_infos.length; i++) {
       try {
         // verify the signed data using the SignerInfo at index i
         X509Certificate signer_cert = signed_data.verify(i);
         // if the signature is OK the certificate of the signer is returned
         System.out.println("Signature OK from signer: "+signer_cert.getSubjectDN());
         Attribute signingTime = signer_infos[i].getAuthenticatedAttribute(ObjectID.signingTime);
         if (signingTime != null) {
          ChoiceOfTime cot = new ChoiceOfTime(signingTime.getValue()[0]);
          System.out.println("This message has been signed at " + cot.getDate());
         Attribute contentType = signer_infos[i].getAuthenticatedAttribute(ObjectID.contentType);
         if (contentType != null) {
          System.out.println("The content has PKCS#7 content type " + contentType.getValue()[0]);
       } catch (SignatureException ex) {
        // if the signature is not OK a SignatureException is thrown
        System.out.println("Signature ERROR from signer: "+ 
        signed_data.getCertificate(signer_infos[i].getIssuerAndSerialNumber()).getSubjectDN()); ex.printStackTrace();
       } catch (CodingException ex) {
        System.out.println("Attribute decoding error: " + ex.getMessage());
     return signed_data.getContent();

There are several ways for using OAEP padding (for instance you may encrypt the content encryption key outside with OAEP and then use the
constructor to supply the already encrypted key), but the most simple way might be to override the RSACipherProvider to use RSA with OEAP padding and set it for the RecipientInfos for which you want to use OAEP (note that you will have to specify a proper AlgorithmID for RSAEncryptionOAEP), e.g.:

public class RSACipherProviderOAEP extends RSACipherProvider { ... 
  * En/deciphers the given data using RSA with OAEP padding.
  * @param mode the cipher mode, either ENCRYPT (1) or DECRYPT (2)
  * @param key the key to be used
  * @param data the data to be en/deciphered:
  * <ul>
  * <li>for RecipientInfo cek encryption: the raw content encryption key
  * <li>for RecipientInfo cek decryption: the encrypted content encryption key
  * </ul>
  * @return the en/deciphered data:
  * <ul>
  * <li>for RecipientInfo cek encryption: the encrypted content encryption key
  * <li>for RecipientInfo cek decryption: the raw (decrypted) content encryption key
  * </ul>
  * @exception NoSuchProviderException if any of the crypto providers of this RSACipherProvider is not suitable
  * for requested operation
  * @exception NoSuchAlgorithmException if RSA ciphering is not supported
  * @exception InvalidKeyException if the supplied key is invalid
  * @exception GeneralSecurityException if a general security problem occurs
  protected byte[] cipher(int mode, Key key, byte[] data) 
      throws NoSuchProviderException, NoSuchAlgorithmException, InvalidKeyException, GeneralSecurityException {
    Cipher rsa = Cipher.getInstance("RSA/ECB/OAEP");
    rsa.init(mode, key);
    return rsa.doFinal(data);

On the sender side set your RSA cipher provider for each RecipientInfo you which to use it:

 // specify an AlgorithmID for RSA with OAEP padding
 AlgorithmID rsaEncryptionOAEP = new AlgorithmID("1.2.840.113549.1.1.6", "RSAEncryptionOAEP");
 // the recipient certificate
 X509Certificate recipientCert = ...;
 // create the RecipientInfo
 RecipientInfo recipient = new RecipientInfo(recipientCert, rsaEncryptionOAEP);
 // set the RSA cipher provider for using RSA with OAEP padding
 recipients[0].setRSACipherProvider(new RSACipherProviderOAEP());

On the receiving side set yout RSA cipher provider before decrypting the encrypted content encryption key:

// the RSA OAEP provider to be used
 RSACipherProviderOAEP rsaCipherProviderOAEP = new RSACipherProviderOAEP();
 // get the RecipientInfos  
 RecipientInfo[] recipients = enveloped_data.getRecipientInfos();
 for (int i=0; i<recipients.length; i++) {
   System.out.println("Recipient: "+(i+1));
   // set the RSA cipher provider for using RSA with OAEP padding
 // decrypt the message
 envelopedData.setupCipher(recipientPrivateKey, recipientInfoIndex);

Problem: When connecting to a TLS/HTTPS server using JSSE with IAIK as first provider the connection fails with an exception saying that that the trust store cannot be accessed because of a KeyStore parsing error. A typical exception stacktrace may look like:

    Exception in thread "main" java.net.SocketException: java.security.NoSuchAlgorithmException: Error constructing implementation (algorithm: Default, provider: SunJSSE, class: sun.security.ssl.SSLContextImpl$DefaultSSLContext)
			at java.base/javax.net.ssl.DefaultSSLSocketFactory.throwException(SSLSocketFactory.java:263)
			at java.base/javax.net.ssl.DefaultSSLSocketFactory.createSocket(SSLSocketFactory.java:270)
			at java.base/sun.net.www.protocol.https.HttpsClient.createSocket(HttpsClient.java:413)
			at java.base/sun.net.NetworkClient.doConnect(NetworkClient.java:162)
			at java.base/sun.net.www.http.HttpClient.openServer(HttpClient.java:474)
			at java.base/sun.net.www.http.HttpClient.openServer(HttpClient.java:569)
			at java.base/sun.net.www.protocol.https.HttpsClient.(HttpsClient.java:265)
			at java.base/sun.net.www.protocol.https.HttpsClient.New(HttpsClient.java:372)
			at java.base/sun.net.www.protocol.https.AbstractDelegateHttpsURLConnection.getNewHttpClient(AbstractDelegateHttpsURLConnection.java:191)
			at java.base/sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.plainConnect0(HttpURLConnection.java:1181)
			at java.base/sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.plainConnect(HttpURLConnection.java:1075)
			at java.base/sun.net.www.protocol.https.AbstractDelegateHttpsURLConnection.connect(AbstractDelegateHttpsURLConnection.java:177)
			at java.base/sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.getInputStream0(HttpURLConnection.java:1581)
			at java.base/sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.getInputStream(HttpURLConnection.java:1509)
			at java.base/sun.net.www.protocol.https.HttpsURLConnectionImpl.getInputStream(HttpsURLConnectionImpl.java:245)
			at java.base/java.net.URL.openStream(URL.java:1117)
		Caused by: java.security.NoSuchAlgorithmException: Error constructing implementation (algorithm: Default, provider: SunJSSE, class: sun.security.ssl.SSLContextImpl$DefaultSSLContext)
			at java.base/java.security.Provider$Service.newInstance(Provider.java:1831)
			at java.base/sun.security.jca.GetInstance.getInstance(GetInstance.java:236)
			at java.base/sun.security.jca.GetInstance.getInstance(GetInstance.java:164)
			at java.base/javax.net.ssl.SSLContext.getInstance(SSLContext.java:168)
			at java.base/javax.net.ssl.SSLContext.getDefault(SSLContext.java:99)
			at java.base/javax.net.ssl.SSLSocketFactory.getDefault(SSLSocketFactory.java:123)
			at java.base/javax.net.ssl.HttpsURLConnection.getDefaultSSLSocketFactory(HttpsURLConnection.java:335)
			at java.base/javax.net.ssl.HttpsURLConnection.(HttpsURLConnection.java:292)
			at java.base/sun.net.www.protocol.https.HttpsURLConnectionImpl.(HttpsURLConnectionImpl.java:95)
			at java.base/sun.net.www.protocol.https.Handler.openConnection(Handler.java:62)
			at java.base/sun.net.www.protocol.https.Handler.openConnection(Handler.java:57)
			at java.base/java.net.URL.openConnection(URL.java:1051)
			... 2 more
		Caused by: java.security.KeyStoreException: problem accessing trust store
			at java.base/sun.security.ssl.TrustManagerFactoryImpl.engineInit(TrustManagerFactoryImpl.java:73)
			at java.base/javax.net.ssl.TrustManagerFactory.init(TrustManagerFactory.java:278)
			at java.base/sun.security.ssl.SSLContextImpl$DefaultManagersHolder.getTrustManagers(SSLContextImpl.java:1052)
			at java.base/sun.security.ssl.SSLContextImpl$DefaultManagersHolder.(SSLContextImpl.java:1022)
			at java.base/sun.security.ssl.SSLContextImpl$DefaultSSLContext.(SSLContextImpl.java:1197)
			at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method)
			at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.java:62)
			at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.java:45)
			at java.base/java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(Constructor.java:490)
			at java.base/java.security.Provider.newInstanceUtil(Provider.java:153)
			at java.base/java.security.Provider$Service.newInstance(Provider.java:1824)
			... 13 more
		Caused by: iaik.pkcs.pkcs12.PKCS12ParsingException: iaik.pkcs.PKCSParsingException: ASN.1 creation error: iaik.asn1.CodingException: Length: Too large ASN.1 object: 109
			at iaik.pkcs.pkcs12.PKCS12KeyStore.engineLoad(PKCS12KeyStore.java:362)
			at iaik.utils.UniveralKeyStore.engineLoad(UniveralKeyStore.java:935)
			at java.base/java.security.KeyStore.load(KeyStore.java:1479)
			at java.base/sun.security.ssl.TrustStoreManager$TrustAnchorManager.loadKeyStore(TrustStoreManager.java:365)
			at java.base/sun.security.ssl.TrustStoreManager$TrustAnchorManager.getTrustedCerts(TrustStoreManager.java:313)
			at java.base/sun.security.ssl.TrustStoreManager.getTrustedCerts(TrustStoreManager.java:55)
			at java.base/sun.security.ssl.TrustManagerFactoryImpl.engineInit(TrustManagerFactoryImpl.java:49)
			... 23 more

The root exception also may be “masked” causing an exception message like: ” Unable to execute HTTP request: No X509TrustManager implementation available”.

Solution: Oracle has changed the JDK default KeyStore format from “JKS” to “PKCS12”, but still uses the JKS format for its cacerts default KeyStore. When, for instance, an application uses JSSE to connect to some TLS/HTTPS server (and does not have explicitly set some trust store) JSSE tries to read the certificates from the default cacerts KeyStore by instantiating a KeyStore with the default format (“PKCS12”). When IAIK is installed as first provider the PKCS12 KeyStore of the IAIK provider is instantiated and tries to parse the cacerts KeyStore. This, however, must fail since cacerts is a JKS KeyStore which cannot be read by the IAIK PKCS12KeyStore (that, of course, expects a KeyStore in PKCS12 format). The TLS/HTTPS connection attempt will fail with an Exception saying that the trust store cannot be accessed because of a KeyStore parsing problem.

There are several work arounds for solving this problem (and keeping IAIK as first provider):

  • Explicitly use and specify your own trust store in PKCS#12 format.
  • Run the VM with the java -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStoreType (and maybe -Djavax.net.ssl.keyStoreType) option(s) to set jks as trust/keystore format to be used:
        java -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStoreType=jks -Djavax.net.ssl.keyStoreType=jks ...
  • Advise the IAIK PKCS12KeyStore to try to parse a JKS KeyStore if it fails to parse a PKCS#12 KeyStore by setting setUseJKSFallBack() to true:

Note that in the last case (using PKCS12KeyStore.setUSEJKSFallBack(true);) the IAIK PKCS12KeyStore will be advised to try the JKS format anytime it fails to parse a PKCS#12 KeyStore. This may cause some overhead. For that reason — and because you may not notice that you read a JKS KeyStore while you are expecting to read a PKCS#12 KeyStore — the JKS fallback mechanism is disabled by default and has to be explicitly enabled by calling PKCS12KeyStore.setUSEJKSFallBack(true);.

With JDK1.4 the JCE framework (JAVAX CRYPTO) has been incorporated into the standard JDK. Because of export regulations a JCE provider only maybe used with JDK1.4 (or JCE 1.2.1) if it is signed. IAIK-JCE provides signed and unsigned versions of its jar files (iaik_jce.jar, iaik_jce_full.jar). Using the unsigned version with JDK 1.4 will cause the ExceptionInInitializerError „Cannot set up certs for trusted CAs“. Please use the signed jar file. You also may ensure that the right JCE policy files are installed in the lib/security directory.

Due to a bug in the JDK jar file verification mechanism it may be necessary that the original SUN provider is installed as first provider. So insert the Stiftung SIC provider as second provider and explicitly request an IAIK engine when calling getInstance:

Security.insertProviderAt(new IAIK(), 2);
Cipher c = Cipher.getInstance("DES/CBC/PKCS5Padding", "IAIK");

Alternatively you may use static method addAsJDK14Provider of the IAIK-JCE provider main class. This method uses a work around that allows to use IAIK as first provider for JDK1.4, too:


JDK 1.5.0_02 and later already have fixed the jar file verification problem. For this versions the IAIK provider
can be installed as first provider in the convential way (or registered statically):

Security.insertProviderAt(new IAIK(), 1);

Due to import control restrictions of some countries, JDK1.4 per default comes with jurisdiction policy files allowing “strong” but limited cryptography; so keys that exceed the allowed strength are not allowed to be used by this policy. If you are entitled to do so, you may download and install an “unlimited strength” version of these files (http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.4/download.html)

To be compatible with the standard JDK certificate API we had to change method getExtensionValue to return the encoding of the OCTET STRING extnValue:


The value of the extnValue OCTET_STRING represents the DER encoding of the Extension in mind itself; so you may have to add a second decoding step, e.g.:

byte[] extnValueEnc = cert.getExtensionValue(); 
 OCTET_STRING extnValue = DerCoder.decode(extnValueEnc); 
 ASN1Object asn1Extension = DerCoder.decode(extnValue.getValue());

However, generally it might be more appropriate to call method getExtension immediately (except when forced to produce provider independent code):

BasicConstraints bc = (BasicConstraints)cert.getExtension(BasicConstraints.oid);

In practice PKCS#7 objects like SignedData or EnvelopedData are wrapped into a ContentInfo before transmission to tell the recipient the PKCS#7 content type (s)he has to deal with. When parsing your SignedData object you first have to unwrap the ContentInfo as shown in demo.pkcs.TestContentInfo, e.g.:

// the stream from which to read the PKCS#7 object InputStream is = ...;
// the stream from which to read the content in explicit mode InputStream message = ...;
// create the ContentInfo object
ContentInfoStream cis = new ContentInfoStream(is);
System.out.println("This ContentInfo holds content of type " + cis.getContentType().getName());
SignedDataStream signed_data = null;
if (message == null) {
  // implicitly signed; get the content
  signed_data = (SignedDataStream)cis.getContent();
} else {
  // explicitly signed; set the data stream for digesting the message;
  // we assume here that SHA-1 and MD5 have been used for digesting
  AlgorithmID[] algIDs = { AlgorithmID.sha1, AlgorithmID.md5 };
  signed_data = new SignedDataStream(message, algIDs);
// get an InputStream for reading the signed content
InputStream data = signed_data.getInputStream();
OutputStream os = ...;
StreamCopier sc = new StreamCopier(data, os);
if (message != null) {
  // if explicitly signed now decode the SignedData
// now you may verify the signature(s)
System.out.println("SignedData contains the following signer information:");
SignerInfo[] signer_infos = signed_data.getSignerInfos();
for (int i=0; i<signer_infos.length; i++) {
  try {
    // verify the signed data using the SignerInfo at index i
    X509Certificate signer_cert = signed_data.verify(i);
    // if the signature is OK the certificate of the signer is returned
    System.out.println("Signature OK from signer: "+signer_cert.getSubjectDN());
  } catch (SignatureException ex) {
    // if the signature is not OK a SignatureException is thrown
    System.out.println("Signature ERROR from signer: "+ signed_data.getCertificate(signer_infos[i].getIssuerAndSerialNumber()).getSubjectDN());

RFC2459 recommends to use UTF8String as default encoding. Where the character set is sufficient, PrintableString maybe used. For that reason IAIK-JCE uses PrintableString as default encoding for AVA string attribute values, but switches to UTF8String if the string value does contain non printable characters.

UTF8String, however, may not be handled by older versions of  certificate processing applications like Netscape 4.7. You either may switch do a more recent version of Netscape or use static method setNonPrintableDefaultEncoding of class AVA to change the default secondary encoding to be used for string values containing non printable characters, e.g.:


In explicit mode (where the content data is not included in the signature) we have observed that it might be necessary to apply “UnicodeLittleUnmarked” encoding to the data before verifying the Capicom signature, or to avoid using this encoding format right at the sender side as suggested in a former posting to this Newsgroup:

From the signing side (Capicom), the following code was used to read the file
 and avoid Unicode formatting:
 Dim objUtilities As New CAPICOM.Utilities
 Open strPathDocToBeSigned For Binary Access Read As #1
 ' Removing EOF
 ReDim abytFile(LOF(1) - 1)
 Get #1, , abytFile
 Close #1
 strFileContents = objUtilities.ByteArrayToBinaryString(abytFile)
 and after this the normal signing process of strFileContents.

However, with the following sample code you should be able to verify both, explicit and implicit signatures (use the stream based classes if you have to deal with big amounts of data):

  import java.io.IOException;
  import java.io.InputStream;
  import java.io.FileInputStream;
  import java.security.NoSuchAlgorithmException;
  import java.security.SignatureException;
  import iaik.asn1.CodingException;
  import iaik.asn1.ObjectID;
  import iaik.asn1.structures.AlgorithmID;
  import iaik.asn1.structures.Attribute;
  import iaik.asn1.structures.ChoiceOfTime;
  import iaik.pkcs.PKCSException;
  import iaik.pkcs.pkcs7.ContentInfo;
  import iaik.pkcs.pkcs7.SignedData;
  import iaik.pkcs.pkcs7.SignerInfo;
  import iaik.security.provider.IAIK;
  import iaik.utils.ASN1InputStream;
  import iaik.x509.X509Certificate;
  public class SignedDataParse {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
      InputStream is = null;
      try {
      byte[] data = null;
         // read in the PKCS#7 SignedData encoding
      is = new FileInputStream("...");
      uncomment the follwing line to supply the data in explicit mode;
      // data = "...".getBytes("UnicodeLittleUnmarked");
      ASN1InputStream asn1In = new ASN1InputStream(is);
      byte[] content = getSignedData(asn1In, data);
      uncomment the follwing if the data represents an (UnicodeLittleUnmarked) encoded string
  //String s1 = new String(content, "UnicodeLittleUnmarked");
  } catch (Exception ex) {
  } finally {
  if (is != null) {
    try {
      } catch (IOException ex) {
  * Parses a PKCS#7 SignedData object and verifies the signature.
  * @param is the input stream supplying the BER encoded PKCS#7 SignedData object.
  * @param message the content data supplied by other means (only required in explicit mode)
  * @return the content data
  * @exception PKCSException if an error occurs when parsing the SignedData
  * @exception IOException if an error occurs when reading from the stream
  static byte[] getSignedData(InputStream is, byte[] message) throws PKCSException, IOException {
  // create a content info from the encoding
      ContentInfo ci = new ContentInfo(is);
      System.out.println("This ContentInfo holds content of type " + ci.getContentType().getName());
      SignedData signed_data = null;
      if (message == null) {
        //in implicit mode we simply can get the content:
        signed_data = (SignedData)ci.getContent();
      } else {
        // explicitly signed; set the data for digesting the message; we assume SHA-1 and MD5
        AlgorithmID[] algIDs = { AlgorithmID.sha1, AlgorithmID.md5 };
        try {
          signed_data = new SignedData(message, algIDs);
          // now explicit decode the DER encoded signedData obtained from the contentInfo:
        } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException ex) {
          throw new PKCSException(ex.getMessage());
      System.out.println("SignedData contains the following signer information:");
      SignerInfo[] signer_infos = signed_data.getSignerInfos();
      for (int i=0; i<<<font  id="ezfont"><<font  id="ezfont">font  id="ezfont">font id='ezfont'</font>>signer_infos.length; i++) {
       try {
         // verify the signed data using the SignerInfo at index i
         X509Certificate signer_cert = signed_data.verify(i);
         // if the signature is OK the certificate of the signer is returned
         System.out.println("Signature OK from signer: "+signer_cert.getSubjectDN());
         Attribute signingTime = signer_infos[i].getAuthenticatedAttribute(ObjectID.signingTime);
         if (signingTime != null) {
          ChoiceOfTime cot = new ChoiceOfTime(signingTime.getValue()[0]);
          System.out.println("This message has been signed at " + cot.getDate());
         Attribute contentType = signer_infos[i].getAuthenticatedAttribute(ObjectID.contentType);
         if (contentType != null) {
          System.out.println("The content has PKCS#7 content type " + contentType.getValue()[0]);
       } catch (SignatureException ex) {
        // if the signature is not OK a SignatureException is thrown
        System.out.println("Signature ERROR from signer: "+ 
        signed_data.getCertificate(signer_infos[i].getIssuerAndSerialNumber()).getSubjectDN()); ex.printStackTrace();
       } catch (CodingException ex) {
        System.out.println("Attribute decoding error: " + ex.getMessage());
     return signed_data.getContent();

There are several ways for using OAEP padding (for instance you may encrypt the content encryption key outside with OAEP and then use the
constructor to supply the already encrypted key), but the most simple way might be to override the RSACipherProvider to use RSA with OEAP padding and set it for the RecipientInfos for which you want to use OAEP (note that you will have to specify a proper AlgorithmID for RSAEncryptionOAEP), e.g.:

public class RSACipherProviderOAEP extends RSACipherProvider { ... 
  * En/deciphers the given data using RSA with OAEP padding.
  * @param mode the cipher mode, either ENCRYPT (1) or DECRYPT (2)
  * @param key the key to be used
  * @param data the data to be en/deciphered:
  * <ul>
  * <li>for RecipientInfo cek encryption: the raw content encryption key
  * <li>for RecipientInfo cek decryption: the encrypted content encryption key
  * </ul>
  * @return the en/deciphered data:
  * <ul>
  * <li>for RecipientInfo cek encryption: the encrypted content encryption key
  * <li>for RecipientInfo cek decryption: the raw (decrypted) content encryption key
  * </ul>
  * @exception NoSuchProviderException if any of the crypto providers of this RSACipherProvider is not suitable
  * for requested operation
  * @exception NoSuchAlgorithmException if RSA ciphering is not supported
  * @exception InvalidKeyException if the supplied key is invalid
  * @exception GeneralSecurityException if a general security problem occurs
  protected byte[] cipher(int mode, Key key, byte[] data) 
      throws NoSuchProviderException, NoSuchAlgorithmException, InvalidKeyException, GeneralSecurityException {
    Cipher rsa = Cipher.getInstance("RSA/ECB/OAEP");
    rsa.init(mode, key);
    return rsa.doFinal(data);

On the sender side set your RSA cipher provider for each RecipientInfo you which to use it:

 // specify an AlgorithmID for RSA with OAEP padding
 AlgorithmID rsaEncryptionOAEP = new AlgorithmID("1.2.840.113549.1.1.6", "RSAEncryptionOAEP");
 // the recipient certificate
 X509Certificate recipientCert = ...;
 // create the RecipientInfo
 RecipientInfo recipient = new RecipientInfo(recipientCert, rsaEncryptionOAEP);
 // set the RSA cipher provider for using RSA with OAEP padding
 recipients[0].setRSACipherProvider(new RSACipherProviderOAEP());

On the receiving side set yout RSA cipher provider before decrypting the encrypted content encryption key:

// the RSA OAEP provider to be used
 RSACipherProviderOAEP rsaCipherProviderOAEP = new RSACipherProviderOAEP();
 // get the RecipientInfos  
 RecipientInfo[] recipients = enveloped_data.getRecipientInfos();
 for (int i=0; i<recipients.length; i++) {
   System.out.println("Recipient: "+(i+1));
   // set the RSA cipher provider for using RSA with OAEP padding
 // decrypt the message
 envelopedData.setupCipher(recipientPrivateKey, recipientInfoIndex);

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